Dr Orlena's Healthy Amazing You Boost Free Event starting Sept 23rd

My Proven Method to Teach Kids Healthy Eating Without the Fuss. Podcast Episode 80

Most kids don't eat healthy foods by choice. The good news is we have the whole of their childhood to teach them healthy eating habits. Taking a step back and looking at the big picture allows up to create habits so that healthy eating for the whole family is easy and fun.

- How to present healthy foods so your kids choose to eat them which means no more meal time battles
- Create a healthy routine so you don’t have to think about it which means healthy eating comes naturally
- How to easily teach your kids healthy eating habits so they love healthy eating and grow into adults with healthy habits
- Why your healthy eating is the key to teaching your kids healthy eating without the fuss

Healthy Eating for Kids Podcast

Why Bother Teaching Our Kids Healthy Eating Habits

  • Stop meal time battles and enjoy meals as a time to connect to your family. Create a nurturing environment that is fun for everyone.
  • Short term health benefits. E.g. not getting constipation or childhood obesity.
  • ...
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How to Keep Going When the Scales aren't Going Down. Podcast Episode 27

Continuing the theme of "when you feel like you're making big changes and not seeing any results".

When should  you keep going? When should you make more changes?

Dr Orlena's Super Easy meal planning system: https://www.drorlena.com/healthy-family-meal-plan

Photo of a digital weighing scale and a blue tape measure #weightloss #lossweight #weightlossplans #healthyweight #healthyliving #wellness

Over-the-shoulder photo of a person eating a salad #weightloss #lossweight #weightlossplans #healthyweight #healthyliving #wellness

Photo of a woman stepping on a digital weighing scale with a pink tape measure #weightloss #lossweight #weightlossplans #healthyweight #healthyliving #wellness

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Creating Healthy Habits to Keep the Weight Off for Women Over 40 Podcast Episode 26

Do you struggle with maintaining a healthy weight? Many women find it easy to keep their weight, but heavier than they want. They can also lose the weight, but then it creeps back on.

What's going on? Why is it difficult to maintain the weight you want to be?

Dr Orlena reviews "the basics" of weight loss and thinks about how to move past these obstacles.

An African American woman eating a healthy meal #healthy #healthyliving #wellness #healthylife #healthyhabits #weightlosshabits #middleagewoman

A woman smiling at the camera after exercising outdoors #healthy #healthyliving #wellness #healthylife #healthyhabits #weightlosshabits #middleagewoman

A woman over forty out on a hike #healthy #healthyliving #wellness #healthylife #healthyhabits #weightlosshabits #middleagewoman

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How to Retrain Your Brain to Lead an Amazing Life. Interview with Dr Jay LaGuardia. Podcast Episode


Dr Jay LaGuardia chats to Dr Orlena and  explains how to retrain your brain and use your thoughts to create an amazing life, increase your wellness, health and happiness.


Show Notes

We become addicted to our thoughts and the way we think

Dr Jay's 8 Steps to Retrain Your Brain

  1. Dreaming
  2. Mentors
  3. Authenticity
  4. Gratitude
  5. Values
  6. Meditation
  7. Affirmation
  8. Goal Setting

Kids find it really easy to dream. Adults become jaded and more cynical. Dr Jay recommends spending a bit of time each day to create new thoughts about how we’d like our lives to be.

Surround yourself with people in inspire you and help you create positive thoughts. Mentors include books, podcasts, coaches, teachers.

The One Minute Mindset Shift

We can chose to life intentionally. Or we can live in a reactive way. The one minute mindset shift helps you to shift from reaction to intentional.

Start by asking yourself what you’re feeling. Where are you feeling? Think about both your thoughts and your...

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9 Easy Healthy Living Tips that will Transform Your Life Podcast Episode 23

It can often feel like healthy living is a huge mountain to climb! An unachievable task. As with all journeys, we need to make changes one small step at a time.

Please Welcome Dietician Tami Ross

Today I'm excited to welcome Dietician Tami Ross, author of "What Do I Eat Now?".

Cliff Notes from Today's Show

  1. Swap out sugar sweetened beverages for infused water. Try orange, lemon and mint or cucumber and lime. They sound delicious and I can’t wait to try them! (Dr Orlena’s other favourite is a drop of peppermint oil in a glass of iced water. It does wonders to lift your energy levels, particularly in the hot sticky months of the summer.)
  2. Focus on non starchy vegetables such as leafy greens, tomatoes, cucumber. Fill half your plate with colourful non starchy vegetables. Think of meat as a condiment rather than the “main deal”.
  3. Stick close to nature. Avoid refined foods.
  4. Eat a plant based diet.
  5. Eat healthy, plant based oils, such as olive oil and canola oil.
  6. If...
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How your Identity Affects your Happiness. Interview with YogiMD. Podcast Episode 22.

Our sense of "who we are", aka our identity plays a big role in our emotional lives. Our identity is one of the keys to a happy life.

Dr Orlena chats to Dr Nadine Kelly who tells her story of how she struggled with her identity and she changed her identity and found greater happiness.

Connect With YogiMD

Website: http://www.yogimd.net

IG: https://www.instagram.com/yogimdnet/ 

Dr Orlena's meal plan: https://www.drorlena.com/healthy-family-meal-plan

A woman walking through a field of sunflowers at sunset #health #happiness #mentalhealth #healthyliving

A woman enjoying the sun #health #happiness #mentalhealth #healthyliving

Photo of a woman enjoying the sun in the woods #health #happiness #mentalhealth #healthyliving

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Being Grateful for Now. Podcast Episode 21

Creating a gratitude habits is a fantastic way to improve our mood. In turn, this helps us to achieve our goals and feel fit and fabulous.

Come and join the Fit and Fabulous FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/drorlena/

A photo of a journal #gratitude #grateful #mindset #healthy #wellness #healthyliving #healthylife

A photo of a person giving another person a heart cutout #gratitude #grateful #mindset #healthy #wellness #healthyliving #healthylife

A woman enjoying the sun outside #gratitude #grateful #mindset #healthy #wellness #healthyliving #healthylife

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Healthy Fats to Support Your Weight Loss Goals. Podcast Episode 20


If you grew up in the "low fat era", it can be difficult to retain yourself to eat fats. But eat healthy fats not only helps your weight loss goal, it also has other health benefits.

Dr Orlena chats about which fats are healthy, why they help you lose weight and tasty ways to easily incorporate them in your diet.

Dr Orlena's Healthy Family Meal Plan Sample: https://www.drorlena.com/healthy-family-meal-plan

Avocado with healthy topings #healthyfats #healthyfatsfoods #heatlhyfatssnacks #healthyfoods #heatlhyeating

A bottle of olive oil which is a good source of healthy fats #healthyfats #healthyfatsfoods #heatlhyfatssnacks #healthyfoods #heatlhyeating

Avocado, nuts and olive oil are foods that are a good source of healthy fats #healthyfats #healthyfatsfoods #heatlhyfatssnacks #healthyfoods #heatlhyeating

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How to Create an Exercise Routine You Love Podcast

The secret to exercising without thinking is to create habits. Once you're in a habit, you do it automatically. But creating the habit can be a bit of a challenge. Here are some tips to help you create an exercise habit that you'll love.

A woman doing a yoga pose #exercise #exerciseroutine #loseweight #weightloss #easyweightloss #healthy #healthyliving #healthywoman

A few short notes on creating an exercise routine you love

  • Habit is the key to “not thinking”.
  • Why? To feel good, not to lose weight. (If you want to lose weight, make changes to how you eat.)
  • Exercise benefits bones, muscles, flexibility, heart and lungs. And mind!

Questions to ask yourself when thinking about your routine

  1. How to make it more fun/ doable
  2. Exact times (within your routine. E.g. "After finishing washing up the dinner plates, I'll walk around the block.)
  3. How realistic are your goals?
  4. What obstacles are you going to face?
  5. What will you feel after your exercise?
  6. What will you feel like if you "fail"? (Remember not to be judgemental.)

Last thoughts on your exercise routine.

You’re doing it for you!

On line Exercise...

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Take Dr Orlena's "Why Do I Overeat Quiz?"

 Take the fun quiz to get clarity on why you overeat.

What's really going on for you?