Wanna eat cake and lose weight? (Free event)

Podcast: Easy Meal Planning: Simplifying the Dinner Table with Linda Lederman



Summary of Meal Planning Podcast

Dr. Orlena introduces Linda Lederman, an expert in meal planning, on her show "Fit and Fabulous." Linda shares her journey of creating memorable meals and fun experiences at the dinner table with her children and their friends.

They discuss the challenges people face with meal planning, such as spending excessive time on Pinterest, feeling overwhelmed, and resorting to takeout. Linda explains her approach to meal planning, which involves taking inventory of pantry, fridge, and freezer items, identifying ideal staples, and learning to repurpose ingredients.

She emphasizes the importance of flexibility and substitution in recipes, allowing for a more relaxed and efficient meal planning process.

Introduction to the Episode

Hello, hello, hello everybody. Welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. I'm super excited today because we are talking meal planning. I know so many people love, not really meal planning, so I'm super excited...

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Podcast: Unlocking Your Potential: Overcoming Doubts and Making Positive Changes for a Fit and Fabulous Life


Summary of Podcast

Many people have a secret doubt or belief that change is not possible for them. I know that you can change if you want to. How do I know? Because you have a human body and a human brain. Today we’re exploring what’s holding you back and how to change that so you can make healthy progress.

Transcription of Podcast

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Hello, hello, hello and welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. Super excited that you are here listening. Today's either Facebook Live or podcast. Today I want to talk about you. Yes, you and I want to tell you how I know whether you can make changes or not. So if we take a step back and have a think about, okay, you are wherever you are and perhaps you are not eating as healthily as you want.

Perhaps you are wanting to lose weight. Perhaps you want more energy, perhaps you just want to be a little bit more...

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Podcast: Getting Back on Healthy Track: Normalizing the Process of Building Habits


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Introduction and Announcements

Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. I hope that you are feeling amazing today. Today I want to talk to you about getting back on the wan, and I've been having lots of conversations in the Facebook group. If you're not in the Facebook group, come and join the Facebook group.

It's amazing. Lots of conversations about the wins that we have and people commenting about getting back on track. So today I want to talk about getting back on track and totally normalizing getting back on track. It really is a part of building up habits and building up, getting to that place where things happen automatically.

Now, before I dive into getting back on track, just a few announcements. Number one, I have updated. The free recipes, so they are now recipes of May. They were previously recipes of February, so I...

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Podcast: Relieving Stress and Building Resilience with Dr. Robyn Tiger


Transcription of Podcast

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Hello and welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. Super excited. Today I have an amazing guest called Dr. Robyn Tiger, who is going to talk to us all about stress. I love talking about stress because hey, it's an emotion. Dr. Robin, Dr. Robyn Tiger. Welcome, welcome. Thank you so much for spending some time with us.

Dr. Robyn Tiger's background and approach to stress management

Thank you, Dr. Orlena. I am really, really honored to be here today. Perfect. Well, I think over to you. Would you like to introduce yourself? Tell us a bit about yourself, and I know you've got an interesting story to tell. Yeah, I'd love to. My name is Dr. Robin Tiger. Yes, tiger, like the animal. And I am a double board certified physician in diagnostic radiology and lifestyle medicine.

And I'm the founder of Stress-Free md, where I love to share a whole...

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Podcast: Avoiding Diabetes and Heart Disease: The Power of Healthy Living




The Importance of Leading a Healthy Life

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Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. I hope that you are feeling amazing. Okay. I want to talk to you about why bother? Why bother leading a healthy life? Why bother making healthy changes? Why bother doing all of these things? So last week I mentioned that we had some friends staying and I was chatting to this friend and he was asking me about weight loss, and he was asking me about health benefits of weight loss, and I was talking about, well, you know, Losing weight can help you avoid cancer.

And he was like, what? Really? Weight? And sometimes I think I forget to tell people these things that it seems so obvious to me because I've been studying it for such a long time that people aren't aware of the amazing benefits of leading a healthy life. And in fact, you know what? I...

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Podcast: What does your Body Need to Loose Weight?




Transcription of Podcast

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Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. Welcome. For all the new people who are in the Facebook group, it is lovely, lovely to have you here. You are more, more than welcome, and if you're listening to the podcast, hello and welcome. Okay, yesterday I had an amazing coaching session with the people in my group coaching, and I wanted to just share a little bit of what we talked about Now.

Get out of Your Negative Mindset

Number one, a lot of people get stuck in negative brain and think, it's not gonna work for me. I'm stuck. I can't make it work. I've tried this. It didn't work. It didn't work. So what we did yesterday was we did some PQ repping note. If you're not sure what PQ repping is, then give me a shout and I will show you how to catch up and how to find the workshops that we talk about...

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Podcast: Starting Your Journey to a Healthier Life with Dr. Orlena's Four Pillars


Transcription of Podcast

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Good morning. Good morning. Hello, hello, and welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. I hope that you are feeling amazing and have had a lovely little spring break. Today I want to talk to you about how to start crossing the rickety bridge. So last week I talked to you about the Rickety Bridge. So if you haven't listened to that podcast or Facebook Live, go back and have a listen to that.

The Rickety Bridge to Healthy Living

And what we'd really talked about is. You're standing here, you know that you want to get more healthy. You know that you want to either lose weight or increase your energy, just start living healthily, but you don't really know how. And I talked about this concept of the rickety bridge of where you are now and where you want to get to.

So where you want to get to is it's all just happening...

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Podcast: Crossing the Rickety Bridge: Five Tips for Making Healthy Habits Stick


Summary of Podcast

Dr Orlena discusses the concept of the "rickety bridge," which is the transition from a life of unhealthy habits to a healthy lifestyle. Dr. Orlena emphasizes the importance of creating healthy habits in four pillars: healthy eating, exercise, sleep, and mindset.

Building habits can be challenging and requires constant focus, but it can be achieved with dedication and effort. Dr. Orlena acknowledges that life can be stressful, but healthy habits can help individuals cope with stress and stay on track towards their goals.

Dr Orlena discusses five things that are important to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Firstly, commitment is key to sticking to the journey and making it happen. Secondly, the positive brain is important to overcome negative thoughts that can sabotage progress. The third thing is accountability and getting support from others can help people achieve their goals faster. Dr Orlena emphasizes the importance of motivation and staying focused on the end...

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Podcast: Getting to Healthy Amazing You




Transcription of Podcast

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Hey, hey, hey. Welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. I hope this is working. I'm trying to livestream onto Facebook and who knows? Fingers crossed it is. Okay. Today I want to talk to you about what it looks like to get to Healthy Amazing You, because I know that so many people are where they are feeling stressed and overwhelmed and thinking, okay, this healthy living idea sounds like exactly what I need to do, but how do I implement it?

Why should you bother making healthy changes?

And more importantly, really why should I bother and that, why should I bother? What does life look like After you've done that, that is what I want, want to chat to you about. So first things first.

Catch up on Mindset Miracles Workshop

Sign up here: https://www.drorlena.com/mindset-miracles 

If you missed the Mindset Miracles workshop,...

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Podcast: How Your Positive Brain Can Help You Get Healthy



Mindset Miracles for Emotional Eating and Weight Loss

Join the fun here: http://drorlena.com/mindset-miracles 

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 Take the fun quiz to get clarity on why you overeat.

What's really going on for you?