A day of mishaps and adventures! An unlucky day? Or a super lucky one?
What difference does it make?
Find out how the way you think has a huge impact on the rest of your day and your health and wellness goals!
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Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. I hope that you are feeling amazing and fabulous today. Today I want to talk a little bit about mindset. Hey, that makes a change, doesn't it? What I want to talk about is why my is the foundation of making changes. And I know that I go on and on and on about mindset, but the reason is, is because it's really important.
And if you don't change your mindset about things, essentially, I. You aren't going to make progress. So for example, it might be that your mindset is saying things like, okay, I can't do this. This is too tough, it's too difficult, it's not gonna work for me. And then along I come and I say to you, Hey, you need to eat slightly differently.
You need to eat in this way. You need to eat...
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Hello, hello. Welcome to the Fit and Fabulous podcast with me, Dr. Orlena. I'm super excited. Today we have an amazing guest, Jennifer Martin, who's going to share her personal story with us. So Jennifer, welcome and thank you so much for being here. Thank you so much for having me. I'm very excited to be here today.
And I'm really excited cuz I love to get stories and hear people's real life stories. So thank you for being open with us and being willing to share your story, which is inspirational. I know. So do you wanna start just by telling us a little bit about you and then feel free to dive in or I can ask you more questions?
Sure, absolutely. So my name is Jennifer and I am a personal development coach and parenting expert. My. I have two children one who's about to graduate...
Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. I hope that you are feeling amazing, amazing, amazing today. Hey, swimming season has started and I am swimming in the sea every single day. I'm totally loving it. I'm feeling like, oh my goodness. I get up quarter past six. At six 30. I'm out the door.
I'm cycling when nobody else is up in my pajamas. I jump into the sea, I swim and I come back and it is amazing. I totally, totally love it. So just to reinforce, if you can find your exercise, your movement, that really lights you up because you want to do it because you enjoy doing it, then I recommend that you go and do it.
Okay? Today I want to talk to you about fruit and vegetables. Why I like to keep my nutritional advice really, really simple. Why it doesn't have to be complicated and just bust a few myths. So the reason this came to mind was because yesterday I was...
Feeling stressed? You're not alone!
Today I'm talking about how stress is a BIG player in our lives thesedays.
It doesn't have to be "big stress". Those mundane things add up! (Want to hear about my sock issues?? Have a listen!!)
2 of the biggest stressors in life are other people and the way we think about things!
Mentioned in the podcast is the "pamper pack". (I sent it out on day 2 of the Positively Healthy Weight Loss Week.)
If you haven't got a copy, you can sign up for the replays here: http://drorlena.com/positively-healthy-weight-loss-dr-orlena
Come and join the FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/healthydrorlena
You don't have a knowledge gap, you have a "doing gap"!
You know what healthy eating and healthy living is but you aren't doing it and the weight isn't going anywhere. Why?
Let's find out!
Today's question:
Out of 10 how much do you believe you're doing everything to lead a long and healthy life?
Come and answer in the FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/healthydrorlena/posts/3401697583404822/ .
Please note this transcription is generated by software. There may be some errors. I hope you find it useful.
Good morning. Good morning. Welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. I hope that you are feeling fabulous and amazing today. Okay. Today I want to talk to you about body image and how you. Relate to what your body, what you feel about your body, right, right now, so yesterday I was doing coaching session with two wonderful people.
Both of them have lost weight. Congratulations. You know, you are who you are. Big, big congratulations. And what came up in the conversation was, oh my goodness, I don't really like taking photographs of myself right now because, I don't like how I feel. I, I'm looking forward to when I feel amazing and I've lost all my weight and I feel like my body is the body that I want, and that's all great, but right now I'm just not feeling the love for taking...
Dr. Orlena introduces Linda Lederman, an expert in meal planning, on her show "Fit and Fabulous." Linda shares her journey of creating memorable meals and fun experiences at the dinner table with her children and their friends.
They discuss the challenges people face with meal planning, such as spending excessive time on Pinterest, feeling overwhelmed, and resorting to takeout. Linda explains her approach to meal planning, which involves taking inventory of pantry, fridge, and freezer items, identifying ideal staples, and learning to repurpose ingredients.
She emphasizes the importance of flexibility and substitution in recipes, allowing for a more relaxed and efficient meal planning process.
Hello, hello, hello everybody. Welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. I'm super excited today because we are talking meal planning. I know so many people love, not really meal planning, so I'm super excited...
Many people have a secret doubt or belief that change is not possible for them. I know that you can change if you want to. How do I know? Because you have a human body and a human brain. Today we’re exploring what’s holding you back and how to change that so you can make healthy progress.
Please note this transcription is generated by software. There may be some errors. I hope you find it useful.
Hello, hello, hello and welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. Super excited that you are here listening. Today's either Facebook Live or podcast. Today I want to talk about you. Yes, you and I want to tell you how I know whether you can make changes or not. So if we take a step back and have a think about, okay, you are wherever you are and perhaps you are not eating as healthily as you want.
Perhaps you are wanting to lose weight. Perhaps you want more energy, perhaps you just want to be a little bit more...
Take the fun quiz to get clarity on why you overeat.
What's really going on for you?