It can often feel like healthy living is a huge mountain to climb! An unachievable task. As with all journeys, we need to make changes one small step at a time.
Today I'm excited to welcome Dietician Tami Ross, author of "What Do I Eat Now?".
Our sense of "who we are", aka our identity plays a big role in our emotional lives. Our identity is one of the keys to a happy life.
Dr Orlena chats to Dr Nadine Kelly who tells her story of how she struggled with her identity and she changed her identity and found greater happiness.
Dr Orlena's meal plan:
Creating a gratitude habits is a fantastic way to improve our mood. In turn, this helps us to achieve our goals and feel fit and fabulous.
Come and join the Fit and Fabulous FB group:
If you grew up in the "low fat era", it can be difficult to retain yourself to eat fats. But eat healthy fats not only helps your weight loss goal, it also has other health benefits.
Dr Orlena chats about which fats are healthy, why they help you lose weight and tasty ways to easily incorporate them in your diet.
Dr Orlena's Healthy Family Meal Plan Sample:
The secret to exercising without thinking is to create habits. Once you're in a habit, you do it automatically. But creating the habit can be a bit of a challenge. Here are some tips to help you create an exercise habit that you'll love.
You’re doing it for you!
Your brain and body are giving you different hunger signals. How you respond to it is important in building healthy habits that lead to a long and healthy life. A lot of times, eating is not the answer.
In this episode, YOU WILL LEARN:
Hello and welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr Orlena. Welcome to another week of total lockdown. I hope you are doing well wherever you are today.
I want to talk about hunger. We'll explore some ideas surrounding hunger. I hope that I can help you shift the way that you think about hunger.
I see quite a few people who say to me, “I only eat when I'm hungry yet I'm still putting on weight.” "I'm not losing weight." "I'm plateau-ing with my weight."
As we settle into our new way of life, it can be easy to 'spiral down the negative plug hole".
It's important to keep our spirits.
Many of us are now at home with our kids all day. Suddenly I find myself responsible for my children's education. And I have no clue how to homeschool!
In this episode Dr Orlena chats to Karyn Tripp, an experienced homeschooler. Karyn shares her experience to help us enjoy this time and make sure our kids continue to learn.
Check out the website: Teach Beside Me
Karyn's podcast is ""Called to Homeschool".
Dr Orlena is a health coach. She helps busy mums go from "I can't lose weight" to feeling fit and fabulous. Find out more about her here.
I have to confess, I don't normally do podcasts about crafting. But these are extraordinary times. So many of us have our kids at home 24/7. My kids are definitely getting more screen time than normal but I also want them to do different things. Such as crafting and nurturing their creative sides.
I'm thrilled to welcome Maggy from Red Ted Art to talk to us about how to help our kids enjoy crafts and for it to be easy on us parents!
Take the fun quiz to get clarity on why you overeat.
What's really going on for you?