It's easy to say your health is your top priority. But what do your actions say?
How much time and energy do you spend looking after your health and the health of your family?
You set priorities and make choices in terms of your health and wellness but oftentimes you spend your time, money and energy on other things. Mostly, things that are easier but provide no value to your body.
Hello, and welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr Orlena Kerek. I hope that you are feeding, fit and fabulous.
Here in Spain, it's a four day bank holiday. My children are off school on Monday and Tuesday. It's Monday as I record this. You can hear the dulcet tones of my children hollering in the...
Shawree Johnson's Free 15 Min Self Care Guide:
Sheena's Reading Practise without the Stress:
Lauren at Inspired Motherhood:
Samantha's newsletter:
Kristina from the Impactful Parent:
Sarah Rosensweet:
Bonnie Dimmick:
Maia Horsager Free resources library for Kids Yoga and Mindfulness Ideas and Activities:
Hands up who's too busy to exercise? As a busy mum, there are always other things screaming for attention.
Exercising is crucial for looking after your body, especially if you want a toned and fit body. Exercise is also important for your health and if you want to lead a long and healthy life.
It’s easy to sit still all day (especially if you work at a desk.) It’s easy to do very little exercise with out busy schedules.
On the other hand.
It’s also very easy to make sure you do enough exercise. When you have the systems, habits and routines in place, your exercise routine will be easy and fun to follow.
Today Dr Orlena talks about how you can create your exercise routine in a way that is fun, easy and sustainable. So you can lead your most healthy life and feel fit and fabulous.
Hello, and welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena Kerek. I hope that you are feeling fit and fabulous today....
The holiday season is a dangerous time to overindulge and allow our behaviour to "spiral down the negative plug hole".
With a few tweaks, it can be a great time to maintain healthy habits and have fun (without depriving ourselves.)
Dr Orlena's top tips to keep your festive season healthy and fun.
Dr Orlena's International Fit and Fabulous Family Summit:
Hello. Wonderful people. Welcome to another episode of Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena Kerek.
I hope that you are feeling fit and fabulous. We have another day today here in Spain, which is typical of 2020. I was just about to set out, dropping my kids off at school. We had our jackets on, our masks on and I was just arranging to meet up with one of the other mothers so that I could give her some uniforms that we no longer want.
And then I checked the WhatsApp group and saw that there were lots of messages. Guess what? No school today....
We all want to lead a long, healthy and active life. What we eat is a major contributor to our health and longevity.
But what exactly should we eat? What should we avoid? And why?
Dr Alan Desmond "the Devon gut doctor" is here to help us out.
Dr Orlena chats to Dr Alan Desmond about how what you eat affects your health, your gut and your biome. And how all three are inter connected.
Dr Alan Desmond is a wealth of knowledge and generously shares it with us today.
You'll learn:
Hello and welcome to the Fit and Fabulous podcast with me, Dr. Orlena Kerek. I hope that you are feeling fit and fabulous.
Humans are emotional creatures. Emotions drive our actions. At times we get overwhelmed by our emotions which can lead us into an unproductive space. How can becoming aware of our emotions help us?
In today's episode let's learn the following:
Hello, and welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena Kerek. I hope that you are feeling fabulous.
My children have gone back to school. It gives me a little bit more time to focus my brain on work. Also, on what I'm achieving and all the exciting things that I'm putting together at the moment.
As you may have gathered, I find it a little bit tricky to do homeschooling and focusing on my business at the same time.
I have been...
Stress is something that affects us every day. (Especially now that many of us are returning to lock down and working with kids at home.) How do we learn to live with stress so that it doesn't affect us negatively?
Dr Orlena talks about preventing stress and steps to take when you feel your stress levels beginning to rise.
Today, I'm going to talk about how changing your thinking will help you cope with stress. I'm also going to share with you some tips and tricks that will reduce stress and will make you feel fit and fabulous.
You'll learn:
Want to chat with Dr Orlena? Email her at [email protected]
Hello, and welcome to fit and fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena Kerek. I hope that you are feeling fit and fabulous.
...Emotional wellness isn't about living the "perfect life" where nothing bad ever happens.
Emotional wellness is having the tools and self awareness to realise how your emotions are effecting you. And how you can manage your emotions without being swept "down the negative plug hole".
To chat to Dr Orlena (either for a "wow" talk or to help her with market research) please email her at [email protected]
Dr Orlena's Super Simple System for Healthy Living for Families:
It's easy to say healthy living is all about habits and systems. The reality is that in order to make changes, to create different habits and systems you need to get across the "rickety bridge".
You need to do things differently. Our habits keep us wanting to do the same thing.
So what is the very first step in making those changes?
If you're interested in making amazing changes in your life and you'd like some help, email Dr Orlena at [email protected]
Eating healthily in pregnancy can give your baby a huge health boost later on in life.
Although the general rules of healthy eating apply in pregnancy there are a few issues that are important to be aware of.
Dr Harriet Holme, author of Eating During Pregnancy, chats to Dr Orlena tells us how to eat well in pregnancy.
Dr Orlena's Super Simple Healthy Eating for Families System:
Dr Harriet's Free Check List for when trying for a baby:
Buy her book Eating During Pregnancy:
Dr Harriet Holme's Website:
Take the fun quiz to get clarity on why you overeat.
What's really going on for you?