Dr Orlena's Healthy Amazing You Boost Free Event starting Sept 23rd

3 Easy Ways to Connect with Your Kids so They Grow Up Fit and Fabulous. Podcast Interview with Kristina Campos

As a parent of 4 young kids, I've noticed that kids can add a lot of stress to my day. All the shouting, screaming and big emotions.

I want life to be calm and stress free. And I want to enjoy my kids! I want to have fun with them rather than feeling I'm battling them all the time.

Connecting with Kids Reduces Family Stress Levels

Dr Orlena chats to Kristina Campos from The Impactful Parent about easy ways to connect with our kids so that we can all enjoy a calm and less stressed family life. And so our kids can grow up fit and fabulous.

What Can Parents of Younger Children do to Set the Stage for Success for the Adolescent Years?

It’s all about creating connection. It’s normal for kids to start to pull away from their parents as they enter the teenage years. It’s a time of transition and self discovery for our children.

Inevitably, they’ll face problems during these years. If you’ve build a good connection with your child, they’ll feel more...

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EFT. A simple tool to help you relax and reduce stress. Podcast episode 36.

Part of a healthy life is being able to reduce and manage our stress levels. 

EFT is a simple tool that we can all implement to help us and our family relax.

EFT stands for emotional freedom technique. It involves tapping on acupressure points around the arms, head and face whilst reciting phrases that target an emotional issue in your life.

Kate Mouryousesef EFT Coach

Kate Moryoussef is a registered EFT and wellness coach and explains what it is and how it can transform your life.

Connect with Kate on her website: https://www.coachingbykate.me.uk/

Kate's FB page: https://www.facebook.com/coachingbykateuk/

A woman tapping on her wrist to reduce stress #eft #emotionalfreedomtechnique #health #reducestress #relax #relaxation #relaxationtechique

A woman relaxing by the beach at sundown #eft #emotionalfreedomtechnique #health #reducestress #relax #relaxation #relaxationtechique

A woman enjoyig the sun, stree-free #eft #emotionalfreedomtechnique #health #reducestress #relax #relaxation #relaxationtechique

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How a Tidy House Helps You Stay Fit and Fabulous Podcast Episode

Healthy habits aren’t about discipline, they’re all about how you set up your life to make them easy. Including your house!

A cluttered house increases feeling of stress and make it harder for you to maintain your healthy habits.

Equally a decluttered house is calming, relaxing and supports your healthy habits.

Today I welcome Lisa Zarwrotny from Positively Productive to help us declutter so our healthy habits happen without us thinking about them.

Why Is Decluttering so Important when it comes to Healthy Habits?

“It’s not just the stuff on the floor! Clutter is anything that gets in-between you and the life that you want to live!” Peter Walsh

Clutter can get in the way of living a healthy and fit and fabulous life. For example, if you walk into your kitchen and it’s so cluttered you can’t find what you need, you’re more likely to reach for easy, unhealthy foods, or even order a take out.

But if your kitchen is a tidy and enjoyable...

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Is the Fit and Fabulous Family Program right for you?

I'm super excited to open my new Fit and Fabulous Family Program. A 12 week group program  for families who want to create healthy habits they love so they can all feel fit and fabulous without having to think about it.

Is it right for you and your family?

Here's a podcast to answer all your questions.

Find out more here: https://www.drorlena.com/fit-and-fabulous-family

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Discover how Punam Transformed her Life and Now Feels Younger. Podcast Episode 34


Today I’m really excited to share Punam’s story with you. She has totally transformed her life from “couch potato” to “fit and fabulous”. She says she even feels younger than she used to!

I want you to be inspired by her story and realise that if she can do it, so can you!

 Transform Your Life and Feel Younger Podcast 

Punam Used to Eat Junk Food

When Punam was approaching 40 she had 4 kids aged 12, 10 and twins of 8. Both her and her husband were working long hours. She couldn’t find any time for herself. She found herself turning to junk food.

“Literally I could eat an entire bag of chips and drink 3 coke colas in one sitting.”

She knew this wasn’t a healthy way of living.

When she turned 40, realising that diabetes and heart disease ran on both sides of her family, she knew she had a choice to make.

She could either continue on the path of unhealthiness.

Or she needed to make a change.

A healthy smoothie bowl #healthy #healthylifestyle #wellness #younger #eathealthy #exercise

The Hardest Part Was...

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Two of the most important lessons youā€™ll learn about kids and how to stop shouting and tantrums. Podcast with Natasha Tiwari

It’s normal for kids to shout and scream because of big emotions. It can be really stressful for families leading to siblings fighting and parents feeling stressed and overwhelmed.

How can we deal with big emotions to restore calm to yourself, your kids and your family?

How to Stop Kids Shouting Podcast Episode with Dr Orlena and Psychologist Natasha Tiwari

Natasha Tiwari, Award Winning Psychologist

Today Natasha Tiwari, an award winning psychologist is chatting on the podcast to help us help our kids with their big emotions.

Why Do Kids Have Such Big Emotions?

These days kids are exposed to far more stimulus than we were when we were kids. (For example media, social media, life style.)

We grew up in a time when we were expected to emotionally regulate. Many children are very good at allowing all their emotions out! This is better than bottling them all up but thanks to mirror neurones, can leave parents feeling exhausted.

Does Your Child Have an “Orchid”...

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How Every Family can make Breakfast Healthy and Easy Even If You're Super Busy Podcast

People say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But so often we rely on breakfast cereals for a quick and easy meal.

Are breakfast cereals healthy? Or are they really sugar in a box?

If breakfast cereal isn't the solution, how can we make a healthy breakfast quickly?

In this episode I look at healthy alternatives to "sugar in a box".

Healthy Breakfast Podcast with Dr Orlena

Are Breakfast Cereals a Healthy Start to the Day?

  • Full of sugar
  • Spikes glucose levels
  • Often marketed at kids. Or as healthy (when not really)
  • Very easy to eat.
  • We will override hunger signals to eat it.

Essentially eat it as a treat rather than a “healthy breakfast”.

What are Alternative Healthy and Easy Breakfasts?

  • Oats. Not perfect but better than cereal. Look for whole grain ones (much better than rolled oats.)
  • Chia seeds (great source of fibre!)
  • Eggs
  • Beans
  • Vegetables

Is Breakfast the most Important Meal of the Day?

People used to say that breakfast is the most important meal of...

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How to stop siblings fighting so you can enjoy a calm family life podcast with Rachel Bailey

Siblings fighting is enough to raise any parent's stress levels. Even the most patient! When parents get stressed we often take it out on our kids creating a "down the plug hole" spiral.

Rachel Bailey explains how we can stop siblings fight and restore peace and calm to the family. Calmer family, happier parents, happier children.

Connect with Rachel Bailey

Rachel's website: http://rachel-bailey.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RachelBaileyParenting/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rachelbaileyparenting/


Dr Orlena's "healthy eating systems" video: https://www.drorlena.com/healthy-family-meal-plan

Sister and brother sitting on a couch smiling at the camera #parenting #healthyparenting #parents #parenthood #parentlife #toddlers #kids

Sister and brother enjoying a walk outdoors #parenting #healthyparenting #parents #parenthood #parentlife #toddlers #kids

Siblings hugging eachother while sitting on the floor #parenting #healthyparenting #parents #parenthood #parentlife #toddlers #kids

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The Unbelievably Easy Way to Nurture Healthy Habits for Kids So They Grow Up Fit and Fabulous

As an adult I realise that my "life long swimming habit" started in childhood. How did my parents help me to love swimming without me even realising it?

How can we in turn help our kids to form healthy eating and living habits so can grow into healthy adults without having to think about it?

Dr Orlena's Healthy Eating System: https://www.drorlena.com/healthy-family-meal-plan

Mother and daughter enjoying the sun together #parenting #healthyparenting #parents #parenthood #parentlife #toddlers #kids

A mother and daughter hiking through the forest #parenting #healthyparenting #parents #parenthood #parentlife #toddlers #kids

A mother enjoying the sea with her children #parenting #healthyparenting #parents #parenthood #parentlife #toddlers #kids

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My Proven Method to Introduce New Foods to Kids Without the Fuss. Podcast Episode 81

Introducing New Foods To Kids

Kids who won’t try new foods can drive parents crazy. We want to cook exciting new foods (or even just not our weekly fare) but we’re too scared because we know our kids will kick up a huge fuss. We’ll end up with meal time battles, stress and hungry kids. It feels as if it’s easier just to stick to the same 3 meals every week. But at what cost?

As a pediatric doctor, I know how important it is for kids to eat healthy foods, as well as variety. It wasn’t until I became a parent to picky eaters that I realised how difficult it can be to get kids to eat vegetables.

Today I share with my method of helping my own picky kids so that I can enjoy eating the food I want to eat, without having to worry that my kids will go hungry.

Here's What We'll Cover...

- How to present new foods to kids in a calm way so that you can enjoy meal times.
- Useful tools to present new foods to increase the chance of your child trying them so they...

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Take Dr Orlena's "Why Do I Overeat Quiz?"

 Take the fun quiz to get clarity on why you overeat.

What's really going on for you?