One of my favourite subjects is “getting started with self care”? Why? Because until we take that step and prioritise our own needs, we’re stuck on the “habits hamster wheel”. We’re doing the same things over and over again. Without thinking.
You know what life’s like. We’re all getting on with life. For parents, that includes looking after our kids. We often don’t have enough energy to think about “self care”.
We either think we’re doing OK and have got healthy living nailed. Or it’s something we put off for another day.
Often we need a bit of a wake up call to get us started on “healthy living” and feeling “fit and fabulous”.
I had several “small wake up calls”. I thought I was leading a healthy life. But I wasn’t feeling fit and fabulous. Now I do lead an amazing life style. I take care of myself. And feel...
Have you heard of the book “How Not to Die” by Michael Greger, MD? What a great title! Today I’m exploring Dr Greger’s book and messages. The bits I love and the bits I’m not so sure about!
Dr Greger is a physician from the U.S. The book is divided into 2 parts. The first half has chapters on how not to die from specific illnesses such as heart disease and lung cancer.
The second part goes into his dietary recommendations.
I love reading books about nutrition and how to be healthy. My “big message” is that we can avoid so many diseases by leading a healthy life.
I was excited to dive in and find this quote on the first page:
Most deaths in the US are preventable and they are related to what we eat. Our diet is the number one cause of premature death and the number one cause of disability.
I agree 1000%! A huge round of applause for an inspiring and empowering message.
In this episode, Dr Orlena talks about how to changing your habits to eat and live more healthily starts with self awareness. Big changes can happen over a period of time. But those big changes start with little changes. And little changes start with the awareness of what you want to change.
Happy New Year! I hope you’ve all had a great holiday and are feeling refreshed and ready to take on 2020!
Isn’t it incredible to think back 10 years? What was your life like then? What changes have you made since then? What amazing journeys have you been on? The good times and the not so good time!
10 years ago I was living in Wales. I was working as a pediatric doctor. I had 1 son.
Now I live in Spain (we’ve moved several times since then!) I have 4 kids and am growing a business. So many changes that I didn’t expect.
How would you like your life to be in 10 years time? My wish for you is...
Losing weight isn’t one of those things you do in your spare time. Especially for women over 40 who want to keep the weight off. It’s a life transformation. You to transform the way you eat and live. But that doesn’t mean it has to be difficult.
In fact if you can approach weight loss as a “fun and easy game”, you’re more likely to keep going.
As with any goal in life, we don’t get there in the blink of an eye. It’s more like two steps forward followed by one step back.
When you can expect the obstacles, the steps back, you’ll be able to take them in your stride.
The danger is making obstacles mean something about you. You’re doing well when suddenly you trip up. Those gremlins in your head start telling you stories.
“You’re no good!” “You’ve messed up again!”
You might...
I have to confess I hate doing kegel exercises. You’d think I’d be motivated after having 4 kids (including twins) and a pelvic floor like a leaky bucket. But no. I couldn’t ever get myself to do them.
Part of the problem was that however many I did, it didn’t seem to make any difference. Still a leaky bucket. What was the point?
So I pretended it didn’t matter.
Until I discovered “hypopressive exercises”.
If you’d like to read more about my story, check out my podcast: Stress incontinence and how to fix your weak pelvic floor.
It doesn’t feel like you’re doing an “exercise”. Just breathing in a particular way. It’s hard to believe that they make a difference. But my pelvic floor strength went up from 0/5 to 2/5. Incredible!
They’re a relatively new form of exercise that has become...
Have you ever stopped to think about what it means to forgive someone?
"To cease to feel resent against..."
Once we forgive, we let go off resentment and all the negative energy that is eating us up.
Forgiveness is a super simple tool that helps us become more positive and happy.
Find out what happened when Dr Orlena first turned her mind to forgiveness.
Dr Orlena is a health coach. She helps busy mums go from "I can't lose weight" to feeling fit and fabulous. Find out more about her here.
Understanding what a healthy diet is, is just the first step. The next step is making changes to your way of eating. If you have to cook for other people, life gets complicated!
Today I’m giving you tips so that you can change the way you eat whilst still cooking for your family. We’ll be looking at tactics to keep everyone happy.
These are struggles that people doing Dr Orlena’s 2 Week Healthy Reboot faced when they wanted to change their eating habits.
During the 2 week reboot, we focus on healthy eating. The idea is to show yourself that you CAN do it!
You cut out refined carbs, including sugar.
This can be a daunting prospect when white carbs are part of your family’s diet.
What can you do when you need to feed your family who are used to white carbs as a large part of their meal? If you’re serving a sauce and “white carbohydrate”, you have...
If it feels like you’re doing “everything right” and not losing weight, your hormones might be to blame.
Today we’re talking all things “hormones and weight loss”. 5 big hormones affect our weight: insulin, cortisol, grehlin, leptin and melatonin. We’ll be chatting about how imbalances to these hormones affect weight gain. And what to do prevent or correct the imbalances imbalances.
Today’s guest Lisa Hisscock is a Behaviour Change Specialist. She is a Certified Health and Fitness Coach. Her company More Than A Body helps mid lifers to reclaim their bodies and energy for the next half of their life.
If you feel like you don't have any willpower to make changes, you might be looking at a hormonal imbalance. Stop blaming yourself and start working with your body instead of against it.
Take care of your hormones and you’ll be able to achieve healthy and happy.
There are many benefits of learning how to breath deeply. Deep breathing is a fantastic tool to use when we’re stressed or angry. We need to practise breathing deeply so that when we’re overwhelmed, we can remember to focus on our breath.
Our modern lives are full of stressors. A bit of stress can be useful, but we don’t want to live in “reactive mode” all the time.
Ideally we want to be able to see as we’re getting stressed and take measures to avoid unnecessary worry and stress.
But it’s like we live in a bubble. It can be difficult to see that we’re getting stressed.
It can be helpful to start to see when other people are stressed. It’s easier to recognise it in others than ourselves. (Generally I wouldn’t recommend stepping in and telling them about it. They’re unlikely to thank you!)
I can often see my...
Today we’re talking easy ways to add movement into our day. Having a regular exercise routine is fantastic for our bodies. In our modern lives, it’s easy to be sedentary for most of the day (even if we do exercise.) Our bodies are made to move! We feel fit and fabulous when we use our muscles. So let's find out how we can create more movement as we go around our daily lives.
Today’s guest Katy Lush is a passionate movement professional who lives in downtown Chicago. She’s owned a Pilates and gyrotonic studio called Chicago River North Pilates for 15 years and just last year she launched an online studio called Lush Living.
-Incorporating exercise and movement into your day
You’ve got a laundry list of everything you need to accomplish throughout the day. You have to take your kids to school,feed them, feed yourself, go to grocery shop and run...
Take the fun quiz to get clarity on why you overeat.
What's really going on for you?