Welcome to the very first “Fit and Fabulous” podcast. I want you to feel fit and fabulous so you can enjoy your life. I’ll be showing you how to eat and live healthily (and lose weight if you want to.)
I’m Dr Orlena. I’m from the UK and trained as a paediatric doctor. (That’s British for “pediatric”. We love our extra vowels!)
In 2011 I moved to Spain. Now I have 4 kids and work on line helping people to eat and live healthily.
Currently I offer one on one weight loss coaching. (If you’re interested in one on one coaching, feel free to book a mini session to see if we’re a good fit.)
I’ll be showing you how easy it is to live a healthy life!
If we look at the top 10 causes of death world wide, there are many that are avoidable with healthy eating and living.
I call the 3 biggies (cancer, heart...
There are SO many benefits of eating a healthy diet. There are "personal mind and body" benefits and "health" benefits.
It is heart breaking that so many people are getting unwell with avoidable diseases. The good news is that you can prevent YOUR risk of many disease by eating a healthy diet and living a healthy lifestyle (exercise and stress.)
There are many, many diseases that we can avoid but the "big nasties" are:
In short, you are far more likely to live longer if you eat healthy food!
Once you start to work on your diet and life style, everything starts to fall into place. Your get thinner, more agile. Those "wobbly bits" disappear. You feel more confident in yourself.
Many people feel happier and more productive as a consequence of...
Whether you want to change lose weight and change the way you eat, or be less grumpy and change your way of being, you need to master your prefrontal cortex. Otherwise you'll just find yourself slipping back into your old ways.
95% of what our brain does is subconscious. It's on autopilot.
For example, you have decided to give up flour. The prefrontal cortex, the thinking part of your brain makes that decision.
Then you find yourself eating a cake.
And then you think "Hang on a minute? What happened there?"
The answer is habits.
The more primitive part of your brain, the bit that all the animals have, went "We want what's familiar!"
When you are in that situation, your neurones are reverting back to what you were used to, which is to eat cake.
This leads to a struggle within ourselves and that is difficult to overcome.
But there are ways of overcoming it.
Thoughts of losing weight and hunger go hand in hand . No one wants to feel "deprived". But understanding how hunger works can give you useful tools to lose weight.
People are scared of hunger.
We live in this fear of not the be hungry.
But what really happens when we get hungry?
When the body gets hungry, our body begins to use its fat deposits as a fuel source. So being hungry is not necessarily a bad thing.
What I recommend is to tune into your hunger and really understand why you are eating.
Think about hunger with having a scale from 0 to 10 with 10 being I'm totally full and stuffed, 0 being I'm perfectly fine and -10 as I'm absolutely ravenous.
You want to be eating from -2 to 2. You're not waiting until you are totally ravenous and equally not eating until you are totally stuffed.
You want to eat until you are no longer hungry - until you are...
Believe it or not, you can eat chocolate as part of a healthy diet. Nothing is forbidden in moderation! Treats, like chocolate, are allowed.
However, just make sure you follow the basic rules:
Rule 1: Remember the big difference between regular chocolate bars and dark chocolate. Dark chocolate is the healthier option between the two.
Rule 2: Take note of your body's sugar spikes and how to avoid them.
Rule 3: Fuel eating and "treat" eating.
Rule 4: Mindful eating
Dr Orlena is a health coach. She helps busy mums go from "I can't lose weight" to feeling fit and fabulous. Find out more about her here.
Dr Orlena is a health coach. She helps busy mums go from "I can't lose weight" to feeling fit and fabulous. Find out...
It's so easy to eat when we aren't actually hungry. Perhaps you're bored, stressed or upset.
Our emotions play a big part in eating which leads us to eat more food that our bodies actually need.
In this FB LIVE, I explain exactly what "mindful eating" is. (As opposed to "mindless eating").
Why mindful eating is great if you want to lose weight.
And how to start your mindful eating journey.
Please remember that mindful eating is a learnt behaviour. Think of it like learning to play the piano.
You couldn't beat yourself up if you weren't a concert pianist overnight so don't expect to be "perfect" at it straight away.
Learn to observe yourself from a place of kindness. No guilt! The first step is just to figure out what's going on!
Dr Orlena is a health coach. She helps busy mums go from "I can't lose weight" to feeling fit and fabulous. Find out more about her here.
“What is a healthy diet?” may sound like a simple question. But there are so many details to consider. One big question I hear people ask is “Should I cut out carbohydrates and gluten?”
In this article I have presented the arguments for and against each question so that you can decide which is the right decision for you.
I want to help you find the “way of eating” that suits you and your life.
In the last couple of decades loads of interesting research has been done on nutrition.
We are starting to see how diet affects our health.
We are starting to see how diet affect individuals differently.
The more researchers find out, the more questions we ask.
It can be confusing wadding through research that often doesn’t give a clear cut answer.
Experts promote different "rules”. “Trend diets" come and go. (Remember Dr Atkins?)
Did you know that the best way to reduce your sugar intake is to cut down on sugary drinks?
But if you’re in the habit of a long cool soda, you’re going to find yourself twitching and wriggling. You’ll be consumed with thoughts of that soda that you can’t have.
Until you cave in and go for “one sip”. Before you know it, you’re back to your “soda habit”.
Give yourself a break!
You don’t need to hand cuff yourself to a lamp post every time you see an image of a can of soda.
The trick is to find one that you really enjoy. You might need to spend a bit of time getting used to them.
You know what I say to my picky kids? You need to give something new a chance to be loved!
Now, before you go and reach for that can of diet soda, please stop!
Artificial sweeteners aren’t great either. They don’t help your body “reset” the sweet “thermostat”. They just...
Take the fun quiz to get clarity on why you overeat.
What's really going on for you?