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How to Stop Overeating Podcast Episode 113


Whether it's cravings, emotional eating or just eating a bit more than you need at meal times, overeating is the root cause of not being able to lose weight.

Dr Orlena explores what's happening when we overeat and how we can stop over eating in a way that's easy.

Join Dr Orlena's Office Hours (group coaching) every Wednesday at 2pm Eastern Time: https://www.drorlena.com/office-hour 

Or book your "Stop Overeating Call with personalised Stop overeating road map": https://bookme.name/drorlena/call 

Closeup photo of a woman eating a meal consisting of sweet potatoes, greens, cheese, and fruit #overeating #healthyeating #habits #healthyhabits #healthylife #weightloss

Hello, welcome to fit and fabulous with me Dr. Orlena Kerek. I hope that you are feeling fit and fabulous.
Today, we are going to be talking all about overeating and I'm so excited about this subject and some of the concepts behind it that I'm just going to dive right in.

Transcription of How to Stop Overeating

I wanted to combine this concept of overeating with a book that I am reading which is called Black Box Thinking by Matthew Syed.

It's an interesting book. It...

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Teaching Our Fussy Kids Health Eating Without the Stress Podcast Episode 112

Parents of picky eaters find meal times stressful. You want your kids to eat healthily but don't know how to teach them.

Food and eating become an area of stress and battles.

You want to enjoy family meal times and watch your kids eating the healthy food you lovingly cook. But it feels so difficult.

Today I chat about our family struggles with picky eaters and how difficult it was until I created a system that works for us.

Now our family meals are times to connect and enjoy each other's company. My kids eat healthily. And so can yours!

Transcript of Teaching Our Fussy Kids Healthy Eating Podcast

Hello and welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr Orlena Kerek. Today, we are talking about picky eating, healthy eating, and a little bit of a case study. And Hey, guess what? That case study is going to be me and my family. I want to take you a little bit behind the scenes and show you some of the struggles that we've had. The outcomes, and how you can help your children to learn healthy...

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How to Stop Looking at Your Phone So Often Podcast Episode 111

The average person looks at their phone 96 times a day! Clearly not great for your overall stress levels.

But how do you stop the habit of constantly reaching for your phone?

Dr Orlena makes it easy for you to bust the "phone habit" and replace it with a healthy habit.

How to Stop Looking at Your Phone So Often Transcript

This is a transcript that’s generated by a computer with a bit of light editing. Please read it as if someone were talking to you. 

Podcast Intro

If I had a miracle cure that would guarantee you and your family living to a ripe old age whilst feeling vigorous, fit and fabulous. Would you be interested? Well, I do. It's called healthy living. Hello, and welcome to fit and fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena Kerek.

Healthy living for families made easy.

How to Stop Looking at Your Phone So Often Podcast Episode

Hello, and welcome to fit and fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena Kerek. I'm super excited that you're here today. Today. We're going to talk more about habits...

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How to Live a Long and Healthy Life For Busy Mums Podcast Episode 110

The ultimate goal of a healthy lifestyle is to lead a long and healthy life. In today’s show, Dr Orlena explores what contributes to longevity.

She reviews 2 books. “The Longevity Diet” by Dr Valter Longo and “This Book Could Save Your Life” by Graham Lawton.

Happily, the key take aways are aligned with Dr Orlena’s Super Simple system and her 4 pillars. (Nutrition, exercise, sleep and emotions and mindset.)

If you’d like an overview of Dr Orlena’s Super simple system, sign up here: https://www.drorlena.com/simple-system

If you’d like some help applying the super simple system to your life, you’re invited to a complimentary 30 minute coaching session. Email: [email protected]

A mom walking on the beach while carrying her child #momhealth #healthylife #healthyliving #wellness

How To Create Habits That Lead To Long and Healthy Life Podcast

Do you want to spend more time with your kids, have buckets of energy to read bedtime stories to them? And look amazing in your toned and strong body at the same time?

The Four Pillars...

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How to Create a Routine that Includes "Me Time". Podcast Episode 109

Do you stay up “stupid late” just to relish in a bit of “me time”? If so, you’re not alone. And this episode is for you!

Dr Orlena talks about:

  • how routine, habits and systems are the key to ensuring that you get “me time”
  • how once you have your routine nailed, it frees up your brain and time for all the amazing things you want to do
  • how to create a routine that includes time for you
  • how to make new habits

Connect with Dr Orlena

Email: [email protected]

Come and join the FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/healthyhappyparenting

Photo of a woman reading a book in bed #metime #selflove #selfcare

A closeup photo of a tea cup #metime #selflove #selfcare

Closeup photo of a woman's hands as she prepares to put on skincare #metime #selflove #selfcare

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How Self Care is the Key to a Healthy Family Podcast with Ree Johnson

Have you noticed how mums are great at putting their needs at the bottom of the pile?

The problem is it leads to exhausted mums running around on empty batteries.


Mothers Get Used to Putting Everyone Else First, which means Their Health and Wellness Suffers

Life changes dramatically when you have children. To begin with they’re dependent on you 24 hours a day. It’s natural that you have to make a few sacrifices and put your baby’s needs before your own.

But many women get stuck in that routine. As their babies grow into older children, they continue to put everyone else’s needs above their own. Until they’re worn out. Batteries run down.

This has huge consequences on their health and well-being. Not least of all their emotional wellness.

Today, Ree Johnson chats to Dr, Orlena about her story of reaching rock bottom, how she turned her life around and how she now helps other mothers avoid the same mistakes.

She answers these questions:

  • What is...
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3 Easy Steps to Your Health and Weight Goals for Busy Mums. Podcast Episode 107.

Looking back to a year ago, so much has changed in my life. I'm doing so much more exercise and loving it!

Let's make 2021 the "year of health and wellness" by being intentional with your health and wellness goals.

If you'd like one of Dr Orlena's "health and wellness goals" sessions please email [email protected]

A young mom playing with her baby before doing some floor exercises #weightloss #momweightloss #momhealth #loseweight #healthyliving #wellness #exercise

How To Set Your 2021 Health And Weight Goals And Not To Let Challenges Keep You From Achieving It.

How did COVID-19 impact your life? Particularly your body and mind?

Did you have health and weight goals last year that you failed to achieve?

Now that it’s 2021, do you struggle with setting your goals to get fit and fab again?

Transcript of How To Set Your 2021 Health And Weight Goals And Not  To Let Challenges Keep You From Achieving It.

Hello and welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena Kerek. 

I hope you're feeling fabulous. Welcome to the beginning of 2021. 

Today I want to talk about goal setting.

A Look Back At All The Things I Did With...

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Why you should get a Sports Watch. Podcast Episode.


Dr Orlena talks about the benefits of exercise, why it's a good idea to increase your exercise levels. And how to create an exercise routine you can stick to.

Plus why she thinks everyone should treat themselves to an exercise watch (or step counter.)

Email Dr Orlena: [email protected]

Dr Orlena's Super Simple System: https://www.drorlena.com/simple-system 

Faceless shot of a woman adjusting her sports watch on her wrist #exercise #smartwatch #exercisewatch #sportswatch #healthy #activelifestyle

Photo of an arm of a woman lifting weights wearing a sports watch #exercise #smartwatch #exercisewatch #sportswatch #healthy #activelifestyle

Photo of a jogging woman wearing a sports watch #exercise #smartwatch #exercisewatch #sportswatch #healthy #activelifestyle

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3 Simple Steps to Combat Emotional Eating with Brianna Wilkerson Podcast Episode 105

Brianna shares her story of emotional eating, how it affected her and how she managed to combat it.

She shares her tips for avoiding emotional eating as well as how to combat it in the moment.

How To Combat Emotional Eating-Interview with Brianna Wilkerson, Founder of Made Well 345

Are you struggling with emotional eating especially during holidays?

Emotional eating can affect your overall health and well-being.  

Emotional eating has hidden roots to be addressed but it’s very possible to combat It.

 Transcript of Steps to Combat Emotional Eating With Brianna Wilkerson

 Hello and welcome to fit and fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena Kerek.


Emotional Eating, a Timely Topic As Holiday Season Is Approaching.

 I cannot believe it is nearly Christmas. How has this happened? Although 2020 has been an extraordinary year. I can't quite believe that we're nearly at the end of it. So I just thought It would be a good idea to just have our last podcast on ...

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How to Make Healthy Living Easy if You're Super Busy. Episode 104

I hear it all the time. "I'm too busy to exercise!" or "I'm too busy to eat healthy foods!"

Or "I'm too busy to find time for myself!"

How do you create healthy habits that you can incorporate into your busy life?

So that you can feel amazing and healthy.

Want to chat to Dr Orlena? Email [email protected]

Dr Orlena's Magic Likes and Dislikes Exercise

Wouldn't it be amazing if you could dial down your cravings for certain foods?

Or increase your like for healthy foods? Wouldn't that make healthy eating so much easier?

Well you can! In just 30 minutes.

Alea didn't like blueberries until she did the Magic Likes exercise. She was eating them and enjoying them by the end of the call!

Tory stopped eating pretzels after she did the exercise.

Find out more about Dr Orlena's Magic Likes and Dislikes Exercise.

(Psst... if you sign up for the "Overeating quiz" you can get a huge discount!)

Written By Dr Orlena 

Dr Orlena Kerek (MBChB from the University of Bristol, UK)...

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Take Dr Orlena's "Why Do I Overeat Quiz?"

 Take the fun quiz to get clarity on why you overeat.

What's really going on for you?