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How to Create Habits that Serve You. And Help You Live a Healthy, Amazing Life. Podcast Episode 15.

We are creatures of habit. We do most of our daily actions out of habit. Without thinking.

This means that habits can help us feel better, get more fit and healthy.

Or they can make us feel worse. Eating out of habit. Not exercising out of habit.

Once we’re “in a habit”, it’s easy to maintain.

But why do we so often think, “I can’t be bothered to create that habit”?

Often it’s because we can’t see the benefit in that small action.

We only look at the “10 minute walk” and think, “how is that going to make a difference?”

A woman relaxing and being one with nature #healthy #healthylife #healthyliving #healthylifetips #healthylivingtips #healthylivingmotivation #lifestyle #healthylifestyle #positivity #selfimprovement

How to Make Habits That Serve You Podcast

The Compound Affect of Habits

Instead of looking at the result of doing the habit once, we have to look at the result of doing the habit over a longer period of time.

What will happen if I do 10 minutes of yoga every day for a year?

Rather than looking at just 10 minutes of yoga.

Next Time You Think You Can’t Be Bothered With a Good Habit


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How Magic Words Change Your Actions. Podcast Episode 14.


The way we talk to ourselves can have a powerful impact on the actions we take.

I introduced the “thought/ emotions/ action” circle in podcast episode 2, “Letting Go of Anger”.

Change Your Actions with Magic Words Podcast

We Want to Feel Emotions Without Being Overwhelmed

A great analogy is being on a raft in the “river of emotions”. When we are overwhelmed by emotions, we’re swept along with the current.

When we understand how our emotions work, we’re able to steer our raft down the river. The swirls of emotions will affect our raft, but we’ll be able to steer it where we want to go.

A woman relaxing by the water #healthylife #healthylifetips #healthylifeinspiration #healthylifestyle #healthylifemotivation #magicwords #positivity #positivevibes #positivelife

My Kids Demonstrate How We Talk to Ourselves Affects Our Actions

Kids can teach us so much about how our minds work.

When my daughter was learning to ride a bike, she kept telling herself that she couldn’t do it. Despite the fact that she could.

Another example is my son who tells himself that he doesn’t like certain foods....

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Reducing Your Risk of Cancer Through Lifestyle With Dr Mhairi Morris. Podcast Episode 13

In this podcast episode we’re looking at how to reduce our risk of cancer with lifestyle. Today’s message is that there are so many things that you can do. So many things that you can do that are easy!

Today I am talking to Dr Mhairi Morris, lecturer at Loughborough University UK and founder of Essential Cancer Education.

Reduce Your Risk of Cancer Podcast Episode 13

How to Reduce Your Risk Of Cancer with Lifestyle

  1. Exercise
  2. Don’t smoke.
  3. Avoid sun damage.
  4. Be a healthy weight.
  5. Sleep 7-8 hours a night.
  6. Avoid “bad stress”.
  7. Breastfeed
  8. Don’t take HRT.

A woman enjoying life on a sunflower field #healthyliving #healthyeating #healthylifestyle #howtobehealthy #healthylifetips #anticancer #anticancerlife #howtoreducecancer #reducecancerrisk #reducecancerhealth #reducecancerlifestyle

How Exercise Can Reduce Your Risk of Cancer

Exercise can help you to not get cancer in the first place. It can reduce the risk of getting a second cancer. It can also help treatment to work better.

Exercise is part of a healthy life.

In contrast, a sedentary lifestyle increases your risk of cancer.

The Geeky Stuff

  1. Exercise can prevent cancer growth.
  2. Exercise can kill “wobbly cancer”...
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How to Make Big Changes. Podcast Episode 12

It's easy to let the stresses of life overwhelm us. Our lives in modern society are busy and stuffed full of "things to do". We often don't even notice the underlying stress.

How to Make Big Changes Podcast

Today I want to tell you how I realised that I was in a chronic state of stress and anxiety. I wasn't showing up as the parent, wife or person that I wanted to be.

At times overwhelmed swept over me. Leaving me frustrated and angry.

I snapped at my kids. 

I whined at my husband.

I sabotaged myself.

A woman holding a cup of coffee and smiling at the camera #healthy #healthylife #healthyliving #healthylifetips #healthylivingtips #healthylivingmotivation #lifestyle #healthylifestyle #positivity #selfimprovement

Why Do We Get Stuck in Negative Behaviour?

Why would I do that you ask?

Because our brains are wired to be negative. It's easy to get into a spiral of negative thinking.

When you're aware of it, you can stop it and replace it with helpful and positive behaviour.

My journey started when I looked at my family and wanted to create a "harmonious and loving family".

I started by working on myself. Including loving myself and prioritising my own needs.

A woman smiling and being happy at a meadow #healthy #healthylife #healthyliving #healthylifetips #healthylivingtips #healthylivingmotivation #lifestyle #healthylifestyle #positivity #selfimprovement


What Do You Want to...

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Reducing Your Risk of Cancer Through Diet with Dr Mhairi Morris. Podcast Episode 11

We all want to reduce our risk of getting cancer. It can be difficult to wade through the conflicting advice and sensational headlines.

Today I am talking to Dr Mhairi Morris, lecturer at Loughborough University UK and founder of Essential Cancer Education.

Mhairi explains (in simple terms) the current research. Which foods and diets will increase your risk of cancer, which won’t and which need more research to decide.

Cancer and Diet Podcast

High fiber foods such as strawberries, bananas, wheat, apple and cereal which have been proven to lower the risk of cancer #healthyliving #healthyeating #healthylifestyle #howtobehealthy #healthylifetips #anticancer #anticancerdiets #anticancerfood #anticancerdietplan #howtoreducecancer #reducecancerrisk #anticancermeals

Good Cancer Diets

There is enough evidence to say that these diets can help reduce our risk of getting cancer.

  1. Ketogenic (high fat diet that works on keto genesis rather than carbohydrate metabolism)
  2. Mediterranean Style Diet (see Episode 1 The Health Benefits of the Med Style Diet.)
  3. Intermittent Fasting

You can combine intermittent fasting with either the ketogenic or Med Style Diets.

Mentioned by Mhairi: The Longevity Diet by Volter Longo

Stopping Eating After 8pm Can Reduce Your Risk of Breast Cancer

Easy to do if you eat dinner...

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Why Your Health Is a Powerful Reason to Lose Weight. Podcast Episode 10


Today I want to talk about why you should bother to lose weight. Many people want to lose weight to look good or feel confident. These are powerful motivating reasons. But there is one reason that trumps them all. Your health!

Health and Weight Loss Podcast

I Was Listening to Two Women Talking About Losing Weight

One of the women had struggled with weight loss and was now a healthy weight.

Both women had struggled with “the inner critic” and had learnt to accept their bodies.

The second woman accepted her body and described herself as “fat”. She was content with her body and didn’t feel the desire to lose weight.

A woman doing a yoga pose at sunrise #healthylife #healthylifetips #healthylifeinspiration #healthylifestyle #healthylifemotivation #weightloss #weightlosstips #weightlosstipsforbeginners #lose weight #loseweightmotivation #loseweightforbeginners #healthylivingtips #healthylivingmotivation

Losing Weight Starts With Self Acceptance

Both women started their “weight loss journey” by accepting the bodies. They learnt to love themselves. And to approach weight loss from a place of love rather than criticism.

I 100% agree with this philosophy.

We don’t teach our children by shouting at them. We know that...

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Coping With Stress. Interview with a Psychiatrist. Podcast Episode 9


We all know that too much stress is bad for you. But is all stress created equally? And what can we do to have more of the “good stress” and less of the “bad stress”.

Dr Orlena Kerek talks to Dr Marianne Van Den Broek, psychiatrist and leadership coach to find out all about how to manage the stress in our lives.

Coping with Stress Podcast


A woman out for a hike #stress #copingwithstress #howtocopewithstress #copingwithstresstips #selfcare #selfcaretips #selfcareroutine #healthylife #healthyliving #healthylivingtips #tipsforhealthyliving #healthylifestyle

What is Stress?

Stress is the activation of our sympathetic nervous system when our body perceives danger. Such as being chased by a lion!

Our flight, fight or freeze reaction kicks in. Our heart starts to pound (beat faster and with more force), our blood pressure goes up and our pupils dilate.

This is a “physiological” response triggered by the hormone adrenaline. (That’s the same hormone you get injected with when you have a heart attack or an anaphylactic shock. It’s strong stuff.)

The adrenaline surges around our body helping us to run away for the lion. Or tiger. Or bear.

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Stress Incontinence and How to Fix your Weak Pelvic Floor. Podcast Episode 8

My Pelvic Floor Journey

After having 4 kids, including twins, my pelvic floor was practically non existent!

I found it really difficult to run after my kids.

It was so embarrassing when I had to cross my legs to sneeze or cough.

One day, my mother borrowed a trampoline. The kids loved bouncing around and begged me to join them. Even after popping to the toilet, I still couldn’t bounce without the embarrassing leak.

All About Stress Incontinence Podcast


A woman enjoying a day on the beach #pelvicfloor #pelvicfloorexercises #pelvicfloordysfunction #pelvicfloorpain #pelvicfloorrelaxation #pelvicfloormuscles #pelvicfloorhealth #stressincontinence #stressincontinencetreatment #stressincontinenceexercise #stressincontinenceforwomen #stressincontinencehealth

I decided it was time to do something about my pelvic floor.

I went to the midwife who examined me and told me that I had 0/5 strength!

He recommended doing kegel exercises and hypopressive exercises. (Confession: I’ve tried kegel exercises so many times! I haven’t found them very useful and don’t enjoy doing them.)

After a few weeks of the hypopressive exercises, I went back and was re-examined. I now had 2/5 pelvic floor strength!

What is Stress Incontinence?

Urine escapes when the pressure...

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Health Benefits of Exercise. And How to Get Started. Podcast Episode 7


You might be surprise to know that exercise isn’t a great way to lose weight (more about that in a bit.) There are loads of benefits to exercise. Both health benefits and feeling amazing benefits!

The Health Benefits of Exercise Podcast


Shout out to Hilary

Congratulations to Hilary for the “audacious exercise award”….swimming outdoors in the UK in winter….without a wet suit.

You are amazing. And slightly bonkers!

A woman hiking with her dog #healthyliving #healthylivingtips #healthylivingmotivation #healthylifestyle #healthylife #healthytips #exercise #exercisebenefits #exerciseforbeginners #exercisemotivation

Exercise Isn’t a Great Way to Lose Weight

Unless you plan to become a marathon runner! If you’re overweight and want to make changes to lose weight, you’re better off making changes to your diet.

Exercise will HELP you lose weight. It will also help you to feel fit and fabulous.

As the saying goes: You can’t out run a bad diet!

Well Being Benefits of Exercise

  • You feel amazing after doing exercise! (Not to begin with but once your body gets used to it.)
  • Less stress (see Dr Marianne’s...
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7 Easy Things that You Can Do To Lose Weight. Podcast Episode 6

Losing weight can feel like an impossible task. It’s easy to find yourself in a “bubble of overwhelm”. You find yourself not knowing what to do.

You don’t have to make millions of changes all at once.

You can make small changes over a period of time.

7 Easy Things To Lose Weight Podcast


A healthy meal with tomatoes, meat and some leafy greens #weightloss #weightlosstips #howtoloseweight #weightlossforbeginners #weightlossquick #loseweight #loseweightfastandeasy #loseweightafterforty #easyweightlosstips #healthyliving #healthylivingtips #healthylivinglifestyle #healtylifetips


Here are 7 easy things that you can do to lose weight.

  1. Eat More Vegetables

    At least half your plate should be fruit or vegetables. More vegetables than fruit.

    Remember to include leafy greens and not just starchy vegetables.

  2. Eat Less Refined Carbohydrates

    Not all carbs are created equal. Some carbohydrates are refined (pasta, bread and white rice). They will spike your blood sugars more quickly than carbs found in most vegetables. (white potatoes spike your glucose level too.)

  3. Reduce the Junk

    I’m not judging you! You need to put on your big girl (or boy) pants and be honest with yourself. Is this an area you can cut down on?

  4. Add Good Fats

    Not all...

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Take Dr Orlena's "Why Do I Overeat Quiz?"

 Take the fun quiz to get clarity on why you overeat.

What's really going on for you?