How to Lose Weight, Keep it Off and Lead a Vibrant Life FREE Workshop

Index of Fit and Fabulous Podcasts and Blog Posts

Podcast Reviews

"I’m finding your podcasts so inspiring. I’ve lost 6.6 kg already by changing my diet, 30 min walk most days & priority sleep. You had me with “choosing a diet that works for you”! I found you, became inspired & starting taking care of myself. Thank you, Orlena" Happy podcast listener

Fit and Fabulous Podcasts

Start Here (Mini Podcast)

10 Episodes. 10 minutes each. EVERYTHING I teach my clients so they can get healthy and lose weight.

Sign up for the mini podcast here: 

Key Podcasts to Listen to

1. The Health Benefit of the Mediterranean Diet

5. How to Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease with Lifestyle with Dr Zarrin Shaikh, Cardiologist Interview with Dr Zarrin Shaikh

4. How to Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease with Diet with Dr Zarrin Shaikh, Cardiologist Interview with Dr Zarrin Shaikh

Season 6

295: Breaking Through "Weight Loss Isn't For Me" with Angela Philp

294: Juggling...

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