How to Lose Weight, Keep it Off and Lead a Vibrant Life FREE Workshop

About Orlena

Hello! I'm Dr Orlena Kerek. I live in Spain with my husband and 4 kids. I'm a pediatric doctor turned weight loss and health coach.
I help ambitious mums overcome the frustration of not losing weight. I teach them to eat and be healthy, to look after themselves and feel fit and fabulous.

You are Important Too!

I'm so glad you're here. Believe me, with 4 kids I know how crazy life can get. Your kids, your husband, the laundry, the dishes. Everything seems to come before you.
I’m here to tell you it doesn't have to be that way.
Are you sick of the yo-yo dieting and ready to deal with the real reasons for the emotional eating?

My Core Weight Loss Teachings

I teach weight loss in a different way to most people. Nutrition is a big part of the puzzle, but I also prioritised exercise, sleep and mindfulness.
As well as having fun! And making it easy!
I know you don’t have time to get up at 5am to meditate. And you only have to eat kale crisps if you like them. (LOL! I've never even seen a kale crisp in my life. They haven't reached as far as Spain.)
Good bye frustration. Hello easy healthy weight loss.

How I Can Help You

The sole purpose of my website is to provide you with the tools you need to lose weight by eating healthily. And to help you feel fabulous!
I do a weekly "Fit and Fabulous" podcast.
You can find the podcast index here.
If you'd like to keep in contact, I invite you to sign up for my free "blue print" that I use with my private clients.

3 Easy Steps to Weight Loss for Busy Mums.

You’ll never be bombarded with unnecessary emails from me. I know you don't have time for that. Nor do I.
Here on my site, I share only things that have helped other women lose weight and feel amazing.
Things that will help you get back to your skinny you.
Things that help you take control of your life and eating again.
You can do this! And I am here to help.

Dr Orlena’s Story

Several years ago I found myself in a bubbling turmoil of low self-esteem and anger. We had moved to Spain, living the “dream life”. On the outside, we were the picture perfect family. But on the inside I wasn't happy and fulfilled. I had lost my way.
Parenting 4 young kids was tough. At times I could feel this huge scream welling up inside me. (And yep, at that time I was eating FAR more biscuits and junk food treats that I do now.)
I found myself frustrated with having to cook and not do much else.
My daily annoyed thought was:
"I didn't train for so long and do so many exams to decide what to cook my kids for dinner. Not that they'll eat it anyway!"
I snapped at my kids. Often angry over mundane things (getting into the bath, getting out of the batch).
I wasn't being the person I wanted to be. At times I didn't like myself. I felt ashamed and trapped.
When my husband became unwell, we hit an all time low.
I realised we were both stressed and needed to fix our lives.
I consumed every self help book I could get my hands on. I did a parenting course that helped me understand my own emotions. I began working on my emotional wellbeing. I  learnt to process my emotions so  I wasn’t “frustrated on default”.
I started prioritising my own self-care. I’d neglected myself because I was so busy looking after everyone else.
I started to work out regularly. I love swimming and when the kids went to swimming class, I swam too.
I went back to doing yoga. I even started going to reflexology. (Oh so amazing!)
I no longer needed food treats to fill my emotional black pit. I began to feel truly happy and put my life back together.
I felt better. I had more energy. 
I could give my kids the energy they needed. I connected more with them. 
I worked on all aspects of my life. Now I can honestly say that I love my life.
I feel fit and fabulous. And so can you.

My Message to You

Although it was a hard time it was also a blessing in disguise. It helped me understand my purpose in life. That my “heart song", my message in life, is that we have our health in our own hands.
We can be healthy, lose weight and feel fit and fabulous. By eating healthy nutritious foods and looking after ourselves.
And it can be easy too.
Who says you can’t create your dream life?
Come to that, who says you can’t have your cake and eat it? Healthy eating doesn’t mean denying yourself every pleasure. Even food pleasures.
I can teach you to eat and enjoy cake in moderation.

A Note on My Weight Loss Struggles

I think it's fair to say I've never really "struggled" with weight loss. I've had 4 kids, including twins and lost the baby weight. 

I breast fed all of my kids (including the twins.) My husband tells me that the only time I was a bit overweight was after my second son. According to him, I sprang back quickly after the twins because "they sucked me dry!"

I have always understood the fundamentals of healthy eating. I was lucky enough to have parents who fed me a healthy diet as a child.

It's not genetic, my grandmother was hugely overweight. She was a Hungarian refugee. When she got to the UK, she worked in a supermarket. The abundance of food led to overeating and she put on weight. The "nagymana" (pronounced "nodge mama") I knew as a child was obese and had problems walking.

I love reading nutrition books. There is so much amazing research being done now. (Listen to the podcast for more information.) But on another level, not much has changed. Vegetables continue to be good for us. Junk food and processed food aren't. We've known that for years.

Even though I haven't struggled with weight loss myself, I have been through the "emotional ringer". 

More importantly, I've helped other people to lose weight.

You are Worth Investing In

If you're thinking you can't afford to invest in yourself. Or that it won't work for you because you've already tried everything.
Here's the thing.
What is it worth to you to be able to lose weight?
To transform your life and the life of your kids?
Your health is priceless.
And so is the health of your kids.
You can lose weight and feel like a million dollars.
You can create your amazing life.
You can look after yourself, feel fabulous and love healthy foods
All whilst showing up as an awesome mum who’s providing healthy foods for your kids.


"I love Dr. Orlena's coaching style. She asked me many key questions that made me think. She guided me to see and accept my reality and work with it to find a solution. I felt so empowered." Mariana - Belgium
“I almost talked myself out of working with Dr. Orlena. I knew it was an investment in myself but I never expected to lose weight AND gain confidence in myself AND overcome my social anxiety AND cope better with daily stresses and emotional eating. Dr Orlena has helped me switch the reset button on life. My regular sessions with her havy been life changing!” Tracie - Oregon USA
For more testimonials, check out this page.

Find Out More About Coaching with Dr Orlena

If you're interested in working with my privately, you can find out about my coaching style and packages here.

Ready to Chat with Dr Orlena?

If you're a "hell yes! I'm totally in and need to talk to you NOW!"

You can book your introductory call now...


As Seen On

I edited the health pages (now archived.)


Take Dr Orlena's "Why Do I Overeat Quiz?"

 Take the fun quiz to get clarity on why you overeat.

What's really going on for you?