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How to Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease with Lifestyle with Dr Zarrin Shaikh, Cardiologist. Podcast Episode 5.

The vast majority of heart disease is preventable. In the first part of “how to reduce your risk of heart disease” we looked at nutrition and a heart healthy diet.

Today we’re going to look at lifestyle and how we can prevent heart disease.

Dr Zarrin Shaikh, Consultant Cardiolgist

Thank you so much to Dr Zarrin for coming and chatting to us.

A Heart Healthy Lifestyle Podcast Episode


How to Live a Heart Healthy Lifestyle

  1. Exercise (at least 25 minutes of getting out of breath a day).
  2. Reduce Stress.
  3. Mindfulness and Meditation.
  4. Sleep Well (7-8 hours a night).
  5. Friends an\d Community.

A woman doing yoga by the beach at sunset #healthyliving #healthyeating #healthylifestyle #howtobehealthy #healthylifetips #antiheartdisease #preventheartdisease #reducetheriskofheartdisease #heartdiseasediet #reverseheartdisease #heartdiseaseprevention

Exercise Gives Us More than a Healthy Heart

A sedentary lifestyle is a major risk factor for heart disease. Regular exercise is associated with significantly lower risk of heart disease.

Walking 25 minutes a day can add up to 7 years to your life!

Exercise can also make you happier!

Exercise can lengthen your telomeres and help you live longer.

You need to do enough exercise...

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How to Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease with Diet with Dr Zarrin Shaikh, Cardiologist. Podcast Episode 4

A Lot of Heart Disease is Preventable

Today I want you to grasp this message! The vast majority of heart disease is preventable.

You can significantly reduce your risk of heart disease by eating a healthy diet and making good life style choices.

Dr Zarrin Shaikh, Consultant Cardiologist

Today, Dr Zarrin is talking about what to eat to prevent heart disease.

Next week she’ll tell us about lifestyle choices.

Protect Your Heart Through Diet Podcast Episode 4


World wide heart disease is the leading cause of death.

In the UK around 7 million people are living with heart disease.

Heart disease causes a quarter of all deaths.

This includes all “cardiovascular disease”.

In the UK the death rate is falling due to advances in medical technology. However, more people are getting heart disease due to life style choices.

A bowl of mixed fruits #healthyliving #healthyeating #healthylifestyle #howtobehealthy #healthylifetips #antiheartdisease #preventheartdisease #reducetheriskofheartdisease #heartdiseasediet #reverseheartdisease #heartdiseaseprevention

Patients With Heart Disease Are Getting Younger and Sicker

Dr Zarrin tells a story about a 25 year old who she treated who had had a massive...

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