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Stress Incontinence and How to Fix your Weak Pelvic Floor. Podcast Episode 8

My Pelvic Floor Journey

After having 4 kids, including twins, my pelvic floor was practically non existent!

I found it really difficult to run after my kids.

It was so embarrassing when I had to cross my legs to sneeze or cough.

One day, my mother borrowed a trampoline. The kids loved bouncing around and begged me to join them. Even after popping to the toilet, I still couldn’t bounce without the embarrassing leak.

All About Stress Incontinence Podcast


A woman enjoying a day on the beach #pelvicfloor #pelvicfloorexercises #pelvicfloordysfunction #pelvicfloorpain #pelvicfloorrelaxation #pelvicfloormuscles #pelvicfloorhealth #stressincontinence #stressincontinencetreatment #stressincontinenceexercise #stressincontinenceforwomen #stressincontinencehealth

I decided it was time to do something about my pelvic floor.

I went to the midwife who examined me and told me that I had 0/5 strength!

He recommended doing kegel exercises and hypopressive exercises. (Confession: I’ve tried kegel exercises so many times! I haven’t found them very useful and don’t enjoy doing them.)

After a few weeks of the hypopressive exercises, I went back and was re-examined. I now had 2/5 pelvic floor strength!

What is Stress Incontinence?

Urine escapes when the pressure...

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