Dr Orlena's Healthy Amazing You Boost Free Event starting Sept 23rd

How a Busy Mom Became the Healthiest Version of Herself Podcast Episode 141




The idea of living a healthy life on autopilot sounds fantastic. But how do you get there? Across the "rickety bridge" of "life".

Today Dr Orlena chats to one of her clients, Alea Milburn from Prep Ahead Meals.

Alea talks about her experience of having a health coach.

A mother hiking with her children #fitness #healthy #wellness

Connect with Alea

Use code "ORLENA21" for her Breakfast and Lunch Meal Prepping Course: https://prepaheadmeals.com/learn-how-to-meal-prep-in-an-online-cooking-class/

Interested in Dr Orlena's Scholarship?

Either email [email protected] or book a call here: https://bookme.name/drorlena/healthy-you-healthy-family-scholarship-program 

Hello, and welcome to the Fit and Fabulous Podcast with me, Dr. Orlena Kerek. I hope that you are feeling amazing today. As I record this, it is the end of August. We have made it through the summer. I love the summer, but I'm also looking forward to autumn and counting down until we can get back into our house, which will be in three months' time.


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One Fun and Easy Tip to Healthy Amazing You Podcast Episode 140



Making the transformation to "healthy amazing you" requires a good relationship with yourself.

If you're constantly mean to yourself and beating yourself up, you won't stick to new changes.

How do you improve your relationship with yourself?

Here's one fun and easy way!

Interested in joining Dr Orlena's Scholarship program? Email her at [email protected]

 A plate of sliced tomatoes with mozzarella cheese, peppers and croutons #salad #healthyfood #healthydiet

Hel­lo, and wel­come to the Fit and Fab­u­lous Pod­cast with me, Dr. Orlena Kerek. I hope that you all feel­ing fab­u­lous. It is the end of Au­gust. I have three months and a week left to go be­fore I move back into our house.

Today I went swim­ming in the sea and on my way back, I looked un­der this rock and thought that is a fun­ny looking shell which is per­fect­ly smooth. I had a little look un­der­neath and saw that it is an oc­to­pus. I can saw some lit­tle eyes there and it's wrapped it­self up to look like a rock....

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Are you Ready to Make Healthy Changes that Stick? Podcast Episode 139

Are you ready to stop sitting on the side lines and transform your life? To get to "amazing healthy you" in a way that's easy and fun?

And most importantly that you stick to?

I'll be honest with you, there's no magic pill. (Despite what the internet tells you!)

I'm talking "healthy eating", "healthy exercise", "healthy life".

Except I'm talking "loving healthy eating", "healthy exercise you can't wait to do" and "my healthy life is amazing".

Dr Orlena takes a good hard look at what you need to do to get from where you are, to "healthy living is easy and fun".

You can do it. But are you prepared to make those changes? And start today?

Pebble meditation: a type of mindfulness activity #healthylife #wellness #meditation

Hel­lo and wel­come to Fit and Fab­u­lous with me, Dr. Orlena Kerek. I hope that you are feel­ing fab­u­lous and amaz­ing to­day.

To­day, I have a big ques­tion to ask you. Are you ready to step up and make changes starting now? To tru­ly trans­form your life, to stop just lis­ten­ing to...

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How Leslie Stopped Overeating and Started Being Her Healthiest Self Podcast Episode 138


Dr Orlena chats with Leslie Davis, author of "You Can't Eat Love".

Leslie shares her story.

How she changed her relationship with food, stopped overeating and became the healthiest version of herself.

Mentioned on the Podcast: 

Dr Orlena's Resources: https://www.drorlena.com/resources

A woman dipping a peeta bread in white sauce #overeating #healthyeating #diet

Dr. Orlena: Hello and wel­come to the Fit and Fab­u­lous Pod­cast with me, Dr. Orlena Kerek, I'm su­per ex­cit­ed to­day be­cause we're talk­ing about one of my fa­vorite top­ics, which is our re­la­tion­ship with food. I am su­per ex­cit­ed to wel­come Leslie Davis. Leslie, thank you so much for be­ing with us to­day.

Leslie: Thank you so much for hav­ing me. I'm so ex­cit­ed! I love the fact that we've got tech­nol­o­gy be­cause I'm on one side of the At­lantic and you're on the oth­er side of the At­lantic. And yet we can still talk.

Dr. Orlena: I know it's...

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How to Have a Healthy Relationship With Food Podcast Episode 137

If you want to eat healthily or lose weight, you need to work on your relationship with food.

The diet culture leads us to "restrict" and "deprive" ourselves. Certain foods become forbidden and "bad". But the reality is "nothing is forbidden in moderation".

But often "moderation" isn't moderation because certain foods have a hold over us.

So what is a healthy relationship with food?

And how can you can your relationship with food?


How to Have a Healthy Relationship With Food Transcript

Hel­lo and wel­come to the Fit and Fab­u­lous Podcast with me, Dr. Orlena Ker­ek!
It is now Au­gust and we've had a few days of rain here in Spain, which is some­thing I'm grate­ful for be­cause al­though I love the summer, it is very hot. It’s re­al­ly love­ly to just have a lit­tle bit of respite and to know that the sum­mer will re­turn.

The oth­er thing that is hap­pen­ing in my life is Au­gust is that...

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One Sure Fire Way to Lose Weight and Lead a Healthy Life Podcast Episode 136

The statistics are grim. So many people who set out to lose weight and make healthy changes return to their old habits.

Why is that?

Dr Orlena looks at 9 reasons you're likely to go back to your old habits.

And one sure fire way to make sure you don't.

A person riding a bike with a groceries on the basket #healthylife #healthcoach #weightloss #wellness

Hello and wel­come to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena Kerek. I hope that you're feel­ing fab­u­lous.

It is high sum­mer here. It's hot! I won­der if I'm qui­et you can hear the crick­ets or the ci­cadas in the back­ground.

Transcription of One Sure Fire Way to Lose Weight and Lead a Healthy Life

To­day, I want to talk to you about one short fire away on how to be suc­cess­ful when you want to make healthy changes, lose weight, get healthy, or what­ev­er it is that you want to.

Lack of Motivation is What Makes Healthy Living Hard for Most People

Statistics say that it is re­al­ly dif­fi­cult to make sus­tain­able changes. Peo­ple who try to...

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3 Simple Reasons You Aren't Losing Weight. Podcast Episode 135

Ever tried a new diet and it didn't work? You felt deflated, demoralised and as if nothing works for you.

The good news is that you aren't a hopeless case.

You have a human body and mind!

Today Dr Orlena looks at 3 simple but powerful reasons why your human body isn't losing weight.

And how you can easily fix those reasons!

Come and win a "Magic Likes/ Dislikes Exercise" in Dr Orlena's FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/healthyhappyparenting 

Book Your "Road Map to Healthy Amazing Me" chat: https://bookme.name/drorlena/road-map-to-healthy-amazing-you  

Transcription of 3 Simple Reasons You Aren't Losing Weight Podcast


Hello, and welcome to fit and fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena Kerek. I hope that you are feeling amazing today. It is high summer here in Spain, and I am so grateful and so glad that I have the sea near me because it quite frankly just keeps me sane.

Do You Have a System that Keeps You Emotionally Full of Energy?

On Sunday, I don't go swimming. I...

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How to Make Healthy Living Easy Podcast Episode 133


If only healthy living and feeling amazing were easy! Today I'm going to show you that it is.

Today's podcast is a little different from normal.

This podcast first appeared on "Authentic Tea" with Dr Rachel Beanland. She's kindly agreed to allow me to publish it here.

Rachel and Dr Orlena chat about the why, what and how of healthy living.

And how easy it can be to create your amazing healthy life so you live to long and healthy life. And feel amazing every single day.

Transcription of How to Make Living Easy Podcast

Rachel: It's ab­so­lute­ly won­der­ful to be joined by Orlena. She uses her ex­pe­ri­ence and ex­per­tise to sup­port women and their fam­i­lies to de­vel­op healthy habits and lifestyles.

Orlena's pod­cast Fit and Fab­u­lous shares in­spi­ra­tional sto­ries and ideas on how to cre­ate and main­tain health and well­be­ing. Orlena offers one-to-one and group...

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8 Amazing Reasons to Love Healthy Living Podcast Episode 132


It may feel like it's not worth the time, energy and money to change your life. But the benefits are amazing! (And the changes can be easy and fun!)

Here are 8 amazing reasons why you should make those changes today!

And if you'd like some help, come and join the Healthy You Healthy Family Challenge (Starts June 28th. Classes available until July 2nd.)

If you've missed the June Challenge, they'll be another one in August.

Join here: https://www.drorlena.com/habitchallenge 

A woman relaxing by the pool #healthyliving #healthylife #wellness

A woman eating a bowl of salad #healthyliving #healthylife #wellness

A bowl of mixed fruit #healthyliving #healthylife #wellness

Related Podcasts

Dr Orlena Author Bio

Dr Orlena is a health coach. She helps busy mums go from "I can't lose weight" to feeling fit and fabulous. Find out more about her here.

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What if Feeling Amazing were Easy? Podcast Episode 131

You're Invited!

Come and join Dr Orlena's Healthy You Healthy Challenge so you can make healthy living easy and feel amazing every day. Starts June 28th at 1pm Eastern.

Find out more here: https://www.drorlena.com/habitchallenge

In this podcast episode you will learn:

  • How to wake up with loads of energy
  • Healthy living can be easy
  • What's stopping you from looking after yourself

Transcript of Today's Podcast Episode

Hello, and welcome to the Fit and Fabulous podcast with me, Dr. Orlena Kerek. I hope that you are feeling amazing. It is hot here in Spain now, which is a double-edged sword. I love the summer because I get to go swimming in the sea pretty much every single day, but also it's hot and you find yourself just sort of sticky all the time.

Do You Wake Up With Bucket Loads of Energy Every Day?

Today, I have two questions for you.

Number one is do you wake up every single morning and think "What a fabulous day. I'm so lucky to be leading this amazing life!" And two,...

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Take Dr Orlena's "Why Do I Overeat Quiz?"

 Take the fun quiz to get clarity on why you overeat.

What's really going on for you?