Dr Orlena's Healthy Amazing You Boost Free Event starting Sept 23rd

Why It's Not Your Fault You Don't Eat Healthily. And How to Easily Change it. Podcast with Matty Lansdown.


Dr Orlena chats to Matty Lansdown, host of How Not To Get Sick and Die.

Answering big questions such as...

  • How is it that society is so unhealthy right now 
  • Why it's not your fault you're not as healthy as you'd like to be
  • How you can easily make changes to transform your health and life

Transcript of Podcast

Please note this transcription is generated by software. There may be some errors. I hope you find it useful.


Dr Orlena: Hello. Hello. Hello, and welcome to fit and fabulous with me, Dr Orlena. I'm super excited. We have an amazing guest today. Matty Lansdown all the way from Australia. Matty. Welcome. Welcome, welcome.

Matty: Hey, Dr. Orlena, how are you?

Dr Orlena: I am super amazing. The sun is shining. Hey, you know what? I know. It's winter for you or coming into winter.

Dr Orlena: Autumn. I should say. For us, it is spring. And it's that beautiful time of year where everything just sort of flows a little bit, that beginning of growth and you look...

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Why Now is the Best Time to Take Control of Your Health Podcast


Taking Control of Your Health Podcast Transcription

Please note this transcription is generated by software. There may be some errors. I hope you find it useful.

Hello, Hello. Hello. Welcome to fit and fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena Kerek. I hope that you're feeling amazing today. We're talking all about taking control of your health. Now, before we get into that big, big and exciting. I have super exciting news. My proof copies of my book are going to arrive today.

Drum roll, please. I'm super excited about that. And quite amazed given that I live in Spain and it's only taken a few days for them to arrive. So that's super exciting. Now the book is going to be available April the 27th. Now, if you want to get a pre-order of it, I'm doing a special deal, which is you can order it, but obviously I can only sell it.

Order your PDF Version of the Book Now

The PDF version of it. So you'd need to print it out yourself, but it's coming with a free half an hour coaching session. So...

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Healthy Living for Women who have No Time Podcast Episode 168


One of the big obstacles to making changes is "I don't have time!"

Today I have good news and bad news!

The good news is once you've made changes and put in systems, habits and routines, you find you actually have more available time. (Hello habit fairy.)

The bad news? Well, it's a bit of tough love..

Transcription of Podcast

Please note this transcription is generated by software. There may be some errors. I hope you find it useful.

Hello? Hello. Hello. Welcome to fit and fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena, I hope that you are feeling amazing and fabulous. Okay. Today, I want to talk to you about time. Tori. If you are listening, this podcast is dedicated to you. So just a little backstory over the last few weeks, I have been asking people, what is it that you want me to talk about on the podcast? What are the problems that you are facing?

I’m Too Busy to Make Changes!

And Tori said to me, you know what, it's time. I just don't have enough time to implement changes to do things I'm...

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How to Lead a Healthy Life when you don't feel Supported by your Partner. Podcast Episode


Here's the truth, it's way easier to make healthy changes and stick to them if you're surrounded by people who are supporting you.

So what can you do when you don't feel supported by your partner?

Before you give up, listen to today's podcast to find out how you can make healthy changes and stick to them even when your partner wants to carry on with their less than healthy habits.

Transcription of Podcast

Please note this transcription is generated by software. There may be some errors. I hope you find it useful.


Hello. Hello. Hello, and welcome to fit and fabulous with me, Dr Orlena Kerek. I hope that you are feeling amazing.

Looking forward to Seeing my Sister

I am super excited today because as I recorded this tomorrow, I am going France. I live in Spain. My mom lives in France. So it's about a three, four hour drive away and my sister is going to be there and I have not seen my sister in two years.

Thanks to COVID. So I'm super excited. I'm going to see my...

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Goodbye Perfection, Hello Progress and Healthy Changes that Stick Podcast Episode 166


Transcription of Podcast

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Hello, Hello. Hello. Welcome to fit and fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena, hope you are feeling amazing today. Hey, you know what? Spring is just around the corner. It's really strange. I look at this time of year and I'm so reminded of two years. Just before COVID hit. And I remember walking to school with the kids and looking at the trees and thinking, oh my goodness.

Spring is just around the corner that I can see the buds on the trees, but they haven't yet burst into those beautiful green leaves that trees do at the beginning of spring. And clearly we got sent into lockdown. And so we didn't get a chance to do the walking to school bit when the leaves were really, really great.

And it just feels like, oh, life has been put on hold for two years and it's almost like I've gone into a little wormhole and come out the other side. And now we're...

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The Truth About Carbohydrates and Weight Loss. Podcast Episode 165


Carbohydrates and Losing Weight

When it comes to weight loss, there are a few key elements that you need to get right:

  1. Your plan. What exactly are you going to do differently to lose weight? (Hint, it doesn't have to be "depriving yourself" or relying on will power.) But you do need to know what foods you're going to eat and in what quantities. And a big question that arrises here is "what about carbohydrates"?
  2. How you're going to stick to your plan. So often people blame the "plan". Often it's not the plan that's a problem, it's that people don't stick to it. (You do need a plan that you can realistically stick to.)
  3. Your relationship with food and whether you turn to food for comfort. (If that's the case, the moment life happens, your plan is out the window.)

(If you'd like to fix your relationship with food and end emotional eating, check out "End Emotional Eating with Dr Orlena" for just $27: ...

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When's the Best Time to Make Healthy Changes? Podcast 164


Please note this transcription is generated by software. There may be some errors. I hope you find it useful.


Hello, Hello. Hello. Welcome to fit and fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. I hope that you are feeling amazing. And if not, I have a big question for you today.

 Hello Hello. Hello. Welcome to fit and fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. I hope that you are feeling amazing. And if not, I have a big question for you today.

Growing Healthy Habits over Time

Before I tell you about my big question. I just wanted to tell you a quick little story. I have been doing far more cycling at the moment because it is a little bit cold to be swimming in the sea.

Do you know what two years ago before COVID and quarantine. My bike had been sat, basically getting rusty for an awful long time. With four young kids, I'd bought a bike and then had twins. And so couldn't actually get out of my bikes. I loved the idea of using my bike. I just never actually used it. I remember...

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Why your brain is wrong about how to get to healthy you! Podcast Episode 164

 Transcription Of Podcast

Please note this transcription is generated by software. There may be some errors. I hope you find it useful.

Hello? Hello. Hello. I hope that you are feeling amazing. Welcome to fit and fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena Kerek. . Big question. What are those thoughts that are stopping you from making amazing progress?

What thoughts stop you from being the healthiest version of you?

That's what we're talking about today now, before I dive into today's session. Super exciting news. I have finished my video for you, which is called the five steps.

Sign Up for the Life Transforming Video!

My clients use to eliminate emotional eating drop 10 to 50 pounds naturally and lead a high energy life. So if you are finding yourself, fed up with eating foods, you don't want to, and don't need to, for reasons you don't fully understand.

Or you want to be healthy and get the body you want, but you know, you need to change your relationship with food. You want to lose 10 to...

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How Routines Make Healthy Living Super Easy Podcast with Ashley Brown from Routine and Things


Please note this transcription is generated by software. There may be some errors. I hope you find it useful.

Dr Orlena: Hello, and welcome to fit and fabulous with me, Dr Orlena. I'm super excited today. We have got an amazing guest, Ashley, Ashley. Hello and welcome.

Ashley: Thank you, Orlena. Thank you for having me. I'm so happy to be.

Dr Orlena: My absolute pleasure. So do you want to just tell people a little bit about yourself and what you do?

Dr Orlena: And I suspect you're going to give the topic away by telling us what you do.

Introducing Ashely Brown

Ashley: Yes. So I'm Ashley Brown. I'm a mama of two, I'm also an educator and I'm the founder and owner of routine and things, which is a routine and planning company that helps women structure their life to lighten their load. And so I'm absolutely in love with routines.

Routines Lighten Your Load

Ashley: I think they are so beneficial. So you're alive and just helping you decrease your mental load, but I know...

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One Easy Way to Combat Intrinsic Emotional Eating Podcast with Lindsey House RD


Podcast Summary

Ever walked past a bakery and found yourself standing at the counter ordering a cake that you weren't planning on eating?
Or feeling tired and stressed and reaching for food for comfort?

You're not alone!

Dr O chats to Lindsey House RD.

You'll learn:

  • What the difference is between extrinsic and intrinsic triggers to emotional eating
  • What can you do about to stop emotional eating.

Transcription of Podcast Episode

Please note this transcription is generated by software. There may be some errors. I hope you find it useful.

Dr Orlena: Hello, and welcome to fit and fabulous with me, Dr. Molina, super, super excited day because we have an amazing guest Lindsay, Lindsay. Welcome. Welcome. Thank you for being here.

Lindsey: Oh my goodness. Thank you so much for having me

Dr Orlena: now. Would you like to start by just telling people who you are and what you do?

Introducing Lindsey House Registered Dietician

Lindsey: All right. So dietician by trade. And what's...

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Take Dr Orlena's "Why Do I Overeat Quiz?"

 Take the fun quiz to get clarity on why you overeat.

What's really going on for you?