Dr Orlena's Healthy Amazing You Boost Free Event starting Sept 23rd

A Cat in the House: Hormones, Sleep, Weight Loss, and Wellness


In this Episode

In this episode of Fit and Fabulous, join Dr. Orlena as she recounts a sleepless night triggered by an unexpected feline visitor. 

Discover how this restless encounter not only disrupted her slumber but also serves as a vivid illustration of how lack of sleep can impact your mood, hormones, weight loss efforts, and overall wellness. 

Tune in to hear the amusing yet enlightening tale, and gain valuable insights into the critical role of sleep in maintaining a healthy, vibrant life. 

Whether you're battling insomnia or just curious about optimizing your sleep habits, this episode offers practical tips and relatable experiences that you won't want to miss.

Transcription of Podcast

Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena . I hope you're feeling fabulous today. I hope you are feeling better than me. Today, I am going to play what they call in the UK, Whinging Pom, and I'm going to tell you about my lack of sleep and how...

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Weight Loss, Wellness, and Jigsaw Puzzles: A Story of Persistence and Progress


Transcription of Podcast

Hello, hello, hello everybody. Welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. Today, excitement, excitement, I am going to tell you a story all about me, ta da, doing a jigsaw puzzle. You do want to know about me doing a jigsaw puzzle, I promise you do, and I will explain why it is relevant to health and wellness in a minute.

But before we start finding out all about the jigsaw puzzle, I will just give you a quick If you can see, if you're watching the video, you can see the amazingly difficult thousand piece jigsaw puzzle and what I learned from doing it. Before we start, Radiate and Renew is starting next week. Drumroll please.

We are creating four small habits in four weeks. This is for you if you feel stuck and you think, I know that I Don't have a knowledge gap. I have a doing gap. Perhaps you see yourself in the mirror or you see a photograph of yourself and you kind of flinch inwardly, you know what I'm saying, and think, I need to make...

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Podcast: How to Lose Weight the Easy Way. Yes Actually!


Transcript of Podcast

Hey, hey, hey, amazing people. Welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. I hope that you are feeling amazing. Here in Spain, we have some rain. Hooray, hooray. We so desperately need rain that we're very, very grateful for rain. And it's come along with colds. My kids have colds, and you may be able to tell I have a bit of a sore throat, but hey, I am still Grabbing a hold of life and enjoying it, I would say.

Okay, today I want to talk to you about how to lose weight the easy way. Yes, really, the easy way. Actually, this is a bit of a It's a trick title because really what I want to talk to you about is habits. But before I get into habits, first of all, I want to explain why habits are the key to So Easy. So, I put out a post on Facebook and, or Instagram, and it was about how to lose weight the easy way.

And somebody commented and said, there is no easy way to lose weight, it just can't be done. And I think it was effortless. I used the...

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Podcast: Here's How You're Finally Going to Lose Weight and Keep it Off


Transcript of Podcast

Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena I hope that you are feeling amazing today and happy St. Jordi's Day, St. George's Day. Here in Catalonia, 23rd of April, we celebrate St. George's Day, the day, or St. Jordi, as he is known in Catalonia. He is the patron saint of Catalonia and it is the day when St.

George went and slayed that dragon. So, everybody, obviously, in Catalonia celebrates by either, if you're a female, you give your partner a book and if you're male you give your partner a rose with a piece of wheat on it and I think the rose is supposed to symbolize the blood of the dragon and the wheat I think is new growth.

I have no idea what the book is about but anyhow everybody in town is selling books and roses and it's exciting although very windy. Okay, moving on, I want to talk to you today about what you need to do to lose weight and keep it off in 2024. Little whisper. Habits, habits, habits. Okay, let's...

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Podcast: From Obstacles to Opportunity: My Transformation Journey


Transcript of Podcast


Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. Today, I am going to do something slightly different. I am going to tell you my story. My story of transformation and what that looked like. And you might be thinking, why? Why do we want to know your story? And there's two reasons why I would like to tell you my story.

Number one, Just so that you can get to know me a little bit better. And I would love to get to know you, so if you're not in the Facebook group, come and join the Facebook group and introduce yourself. And that's really a place where I can connect with people and we chat and get to know each other a little bit better.

So that's the first reason, just getting to know each other a little bit better. And the second reason is, I want to explain to you why I'm so passionate about health and wellness. And as I explain, you'll see how easy it is for you to make changes. Where to start? Where to start? Like, back,...

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Podcast: Invisible Forces: How Habits Shape Our Health


Transcript of Podcast

Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. I hope that you are feeling fabulous, fabulous today. Today, I want to wax lyrical about habits and how to lead a healthy life without thinking about it. So many people say to me, you know what, I want to lose weight, I want to get healthy, I want more energy, and I want to do it all without thinking about it.

It feels like a little bit. of an impossible thing because that without thinking about it bit It seems almost like you can't get there. Now, I promise you, you absolutely can get there. The without thinking about it bit is just a habit. Just a habit. The thing about habits is when you have the habit, you're doing that behavior without thinking about it.

It's almost the definition of a habit. Let me give you a few examples. I was talking to my sister yesterday. One of my sisters phoned me and she said to me, Oh my goodness, I just, my energy levels feel so low and I don't...

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Podcast: Radiant Wellbeing: Lessons with Dr. Orlena and Lynda Rose


Transcript of Podcast

Hello, everyone. We are very fortunate today to have Dr. Orlena as a very, very fancy guest. She is going to tell you all about what she does. And how she came to be in the wellness industry.

Welcome. I'll hand it over to you, Dr Orlena to tell us all about you and what you do. Well, first of all, thank you. Thank you so much for inviting me and having me on your podcast.

It's an absolute pleasure. And hooray for technology is what I say, because it's amazing, isn't it? I'm in Spain and you're in Perth and we're just chatting, like we're in different rooms. Who am I? I am Dr. Orlena. I trained in the UK as a pediatric doctor, actually. I worked in Australia for a bit. I love Australia.

My alternate life is in Australia, but I ended up in Spain. I accidentally lost my career, as I say, long story or short story is that it wasn't as easy as I had hoped to work here in Spain as a doctor. And so I turned to online and I originally started doing healthy...

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Podcast: The Freedom in Food: Escaping Diet Restrictions for Joyful Eating



Transcript to Podcast

Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. I hope that you are feeling amazing today. Today, I want to talk to you about the difference between restricting your diet and healthy eating. If you're just eating healthily and you're not eating the other stuff, aren't you just restricting your diet anyhow?

Are they not the same thing? And this is a subtle but exciting distinction. Before we dive into this, let me just tell you a little story. This morning, Easter holidays, my daughter is going to learn to do roller skating. Not roller skating, skateboarding. And so she's off to her, what they call, you know, a day trip to do some skateboarding.

Now, in the holidays, she likes to have pancakes for breakfast, which is fine on one level, but she's not the tidiest cook, and it leads to a little bit of stress in the kitchen. She gets a little bit het up, and then she doesn't tidy up. This morning she came down and she said,...

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Podcast: Strength Training Secrets for Women Over 40: Expert Tips from Diana Chaloux-LaCert




Transcription of Podcast

Dr Orlena: Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. Today, I'm excited. We have a guest. We don't have guests very often, but when we do, they're super special. , Diana, welcome, welcome. I'm going to ask you to pronounce your surname because I don't think I can manage it. And first of all, I want to find out, tell me about your surname.

Diana: Well, it's, it's Chaloux-LaCerte, so very French, as I'm sure you can figure out. And Chaloux is, is my maiden name. LaCerte is my, is my husband's name. So, and they're both French. . So when we got married, it was, it was a little bit of double French there.

Dr Orlena: Today we are talking about fitness and fitness specifically for women over the age of 40. Hooray, hooray. One of my favorite topics. Before we start, how about you introduce yourself and tell people a little bit about why you're so passionate about this topic?

Diana: Oh, well, thank you for the...

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Podcast: Cultivating Confidence Beyond the Scale






Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. I hope that you are feeling amazing, amazing today. It is mid March and spring is in the air. It's a little bit chilly here in Spain, but I can just feel that beginning of spring. You know, I look at my garden and there's little buds coming and little leaves I'm excited, excited.

I love spring. It's one of my favouritest times. Everything here in Spain is green. I love the summer as well, but everything in summer is brown and dry here in Spain. I hope wherever you are, you have wonderful, wonderful weather and a wonderful day. Today I want to talk about self confidence and specifically self confidence connected to weight loss and body image.

This is more of a posing questions podcast as opposed to, hey, I've got some answers and some tips for you. But one of the things I noticed working with my clients and chatting to people. On a daily basis is so many people say to...

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 Take the fun quiz to get clarity on why you overeat.

What's really going on for you?