Dr Orlena's Healthy Amazing You Boost Free Event starting Sept 23rd

Podcast: The Power of Change: Jumping into a Healthier You


Embracing Healthy Living and Sustainable Weight Loss

Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. I hope that you are feeling amazing today. Okay, today, hard love day for you today, my friends, I want to ask you some hard questions, and I'm gonna tell you a very personal story. Now, my questions that I want to ask you are, Are you truly committed to yourself?

Commitment to Self: The Foundation of Healthy Changes

And where are you selling yourself short? Where are you not investing in yourself? Not necessarily in terms of money, but in terms of things that you can do to really and truly look after yourself. So, a couple of personal stories for you. I went and had my smear test. Oh my goodness. It was in January now, and as I record this, it is the 1st of September.

Happy September everybody. So at that time in my life, there was a lot going on in my life. My son was unwell. We were going through, oh my goodness, being admitted to hospital and not...

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Podcast: Resisting Temptation: Conquering Junk Food in Social Settings


Peer Pressure and Fear of Missing Out

Please note this transcription is generated by software. There may be some errors. I hope you find it useful.


Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. I hope that you are feeling fabulous today. Today I want to talk to you about how to stop eating treats or junk food in a social environment. And I know that this can be such a big hurdle that so many people face. I have so many people who say to me, oh my goodness, I eat healthily except...

My husband makes it really difficult because he brings home treats the whole time, or my family cook for me and they cook me this, you know, treat food that I don't really want to be eating or I'm going out to a social situation and there's cakes and cookies and things like that, and I feel obliged to eat it.

So this is a really big hurdle and I think it's one of the most difficult hurdles to get over in terms of healthy eating. So before we talk about this, I...

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Podcast: Simplify and Thrive: Mastering Systems for Effortless Healthy Living


Simplify and Thrive: Mastering Systems for Effortless Healthy Living

Hello, hello, hello! Welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. I hope that you are feeling amazing, amazing, amazing today. Okay? Today is story time. I have got a couple of stories to tell you. The first story I want to tell you is called The Chocolate Cake Story, and here's how it goes.

The Chocolate Cake Story: Finding Balance in Indulgence

My son, who is 15, he loves, loves, loves making chocolate cake now. Admittedly, he makes chocolate cake for birthdays and special treats. It's not something that he makes every day, but my son doesn't do things by halves. He's not the kind of person who takes on board what I'm trying to teach him about healthy eating. He's like, "I'm gonna throw in loads of sugar and loads of flour and loads of chocolate and loads of cream."

And he ends up with this decadent, amazing chocolate cake, which is great for birthdays and exciting things like that. Now I...

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Podcast: Mastering the Mediterranean Way: Nutrition for Weight Loss and Wellness


Transcription of Mastering the Mediterranean Way: Nutrition for Weight Loss and Wellness

Embrace the Journey: Exploring the Fundamentals of Healthy Eating

Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena.

The Pillar of Nutrition: Unlocking the Secrets to Sustainable Weight Loss

I hope that you are having an amazing day today. I want to really go back to the basics and have a look at pillar one, which is nutrition.

Understanding Weight Loss Challenges

Really thinking about this question, which is, why aren't I losing weight? So it might be that you're new to your healthy living and weight loss journey.

Hello, hello, hello and welcome. You might be feeling a little bit daunted and thinking, oh my goodness, where do I start? And it might be that you are not new to this, and that can be really frustrating.

So I think wherever you are in your journey, it is worth going back and understanding nutrition and understanding why nutrition is one of the keys to...

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Podcast: Mindset Mastery: Unleashing Your Potential for Healthy Living




Podcast Intro

"Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. Super excited to be here! Today I want to ask you a big question. Are you in control of your mind and your behavior? Now, why is this a big question? Because you want to lead a healthy life, so you want to lose weight. You wanna do all of those things, get more energy, lead a healthy life, everything that we talk about in this group and on this podcast, except that you are not doing it."

Exploring Perfectionism and Control

"And then the question becomes, why? Why aren't you doing it? And one answer is because you aren't in control of your behavior or your mind. So the other day I was chatting with my son. I'm reading him this book, it is called 'Superpowered: Transform Anxiety Into Courage, Confidence, and Resilience' by Renny Jane and Dr. Shefali. And it's a great book. I totally recommend it."

Perfectionism and Procrastination

"It's basically really looking at thoughts and...

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Podcast: Positively Healthy Weight Loss Workshop


Transcription of Podcast

Please note this transcript is computer generated. There may be some mistakes. I hope you find it useful.

Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. Today we are doing something different. So last week I did a workshop called Positively Healthy Weight Loss with ease and flow, and it's all about your brain and your mind and how your mind can make it more difficult or make it easy for yourself, and how to change between the two of them.

And it's an amazing workshop. It had fabulous feedback, and so I want to share it with you. So today's episode is a little bit longer than normal. It's about 45 minutes. I'm giving you the recording of the workshop. Now, obviously this was a presentation so you can't see the slides. If you want to see the slides, it's still in the Facebook group, or you can sign up and get the replay.

But here we go. Here is the workshop today. Positively healthy weight loss with ease and flow. I'm super...

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Podcast: The ONE Thing That will Help You Lose Weight and Get Healthy




Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. I hope that you are feeling amazing, amazing, amazing. Today I want to talk to you about the one thing that is really gonna help you get healthy. Lose weight, lead a healthy life. Can you guess what it is? I'm sure you can.

Now, before I dive into the one thing that you need, oh my goodness. Just a little bit of catching up on how we're doing. I'm having a bicycle disaster at this moment. My poor daughter, we went cycling yesterday. She went round a corner too quickly. Skidded. Nearly crashed into somebody. Luckily the other person managed to break and she scratched her arms and legs.

Oh my goodness. It is the worst thing when your kids are unwell or something happens to your kids. It really, really is. And on top of that, my wounds from falling off my bike last week are beginning to heal. Oh my goodness. My bike has a flat tire. Despite having fixed it twice, I...

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Podcast: Positive Brain, Positive Life: Transforming Your Health and Happiness


A day of mishaps and adventures! An unlucky day? Or a super lucky one?

What difference does it make? 

Find out how the way you think has a huge impact on the rest of your day and your health and wellness goals!


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Podcast: Conquering Emotional Eating: The Key Role of Mindset




Transcription of Podcast

Please note this transcription is generated by software. There may be some errors. I hope you find it useful.

Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. I hope that you are feeling amazing and fabulous today. Today I want to talk a little bit about mindset. Hey, that makes a change, doesn't it? What I want to talk about is why my is the foundation of making changes. And I know that I go on and on and on about mindset, but the reason is, is because it's really important.

Mindset is the Foundation of Making Lasting Healthy Changes

And if you don't change your mindset about things, essentially, I. You aren't going to make progress. So for example, it might be that your mindset is saying things like, okay, I can't do this. This is too tough, it's too difficult, it's not gonna work for me. And then along I come and I say to you, Hey, you need to eat slightly differently.

You need to eat in this way. You need to eat...

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Podcast: Stress, Weight Loss, and the Power of Mindset: Jennifer Martin's Inspiring Story




Transcription of Podcast

Please note this transcription is generated by software. There may be some errors. I hope you find it useful.

Hello, hello. Welcome to the Fit and Fabulous podcast with me, Dr. Orlena. I'm super excited. Today we have an amazing guest, Jennifer Martin, who's going to share her personal story with us. So Jennifer, welcome and thank you so much for being here. Thank you so much for having me. I'm very excited to be here today.

And I'm really excited cuz I love to get stories and hear people's real life stories. So thank you for being open with us and being willing to share your story, which is inspirational. I know. So do you wanna start just by telling us a little bit about you and then feel free to dive in or I can ask you more questions?

Battling Stress: The Catalyst for Healthy Change

Sure, absolutely. So my name is Jennifer and I am a personal development coach and parenting expert. My. I have two children one who's about to graduate...

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Take Dr Orlena's "Why Do I Overeat Quiz?"

 Take the fun quiz to get clarity on why you overeat.

What's really going on for you?