Dr Orlena's Healthy Amazing You Boost Free Event starting Sept 23rd

Fix Emotional Eating in 3 Month Podcast Episode 161


Big shout out to some amazing ladies! For eliminating emotional eating, getting to normal BMI and compliments from your personal trainer!

Is emotional eating holding you back from creating your healthiest you? From losing the weight that you want to?

If so, this episode could literally change your life!

How would life be if in 3 months you'd got a grip on your emotional eating and fixed your relationship with food? 

Book a Call Now:

Email [email protected] 

Or book here: https://bookme.name/drorlena/lite/emotional-eating 

Transcription of Podcast Recording

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Hello, and welcome to fit and fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena Kerek. I hope that you are feeling amazing today. I am laughing because I think this is about the 50th time I started this recording. I have four children who are positive with coronavirus and oh my goodness. I can't get any...

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Eliminate Emotional Eating the Easy Way Podcast Episode 160




Transcription of Podcast

Please note this transcription is generated by software. There may be some errors. I hope you find it useful.

Hello. Hello, welcome to fit and fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena Kerek. I hope that you are feeling amazing today. Today. I want to talk to you about emotions. Hey, before we get into emotions, let me just tell you a little bit of what is going on behind the scenes. It's Tuesday as this comes out and Wednesday, Wednesday, the 19th of January, I am inviting you to an eliminate emotional eating workshop.

Eliminating Emotional Eating is The Key to Sustaining Healthy Changes

Now over my work over the last year, I have been working with some amazing, amazing people. So some of those people want to lose weight. In a healthy way and create a healthy lifestyle and really enjoy it. And some of those people are what I call healthy and want to get to super healthy. And guess what their main.

Emotional eating. And so in both groups of...

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How do I get Past the Excuses? Podcast Episode 159


"Help! I can't get past the excuses and do all the things I know I should be doing. Please help!"

Today I'm talking about how we bust past those excuses that are holding you back and get to really loving your healthy new life.

Transcription of Podcast

Please note this transcription is generated by software. There may be some errors. I hope you find it useful.


Hello, and welcome to fit and fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena kerek. I hope that you are feeling amazing and fabulous and excited for 2022. My children went back to school today. So today is my first day back at work and I'm super excited. We do still have builders in the house. So fingers crossed. I can record this before they start drilling again.

So I'm very grateful to the builders because they're finishing my house, but I would quite like them to get my office done so that I can get on with. Okay. Okay. Today I was inspired by somebody, somebody on the internet, in a Facebook group who said she was in a...

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Happy New Year Podcast Episode



Transcript of Podcast 

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Hello, and welcome to fit and fabulous with me, Doctor Orlena Kerek. Happy 2022? Isn't the beginning of a new year super, super exciting? I hope that you have had an amazing holiday. We have certainly had an amazing holiday here in Spain, some beautiful sunny days. Some not so beautiful sunny days. Hey, that's life.

I have been swimming in the sea, super proud of myself there. I've seen some amazing things this morning. I didn't even know how to explain it to you. Some kind of, I don't know, sea slug, which I don't know what it's called, but it was very interesting. It's kind of transparent and amazing. And I saw a stingray a few days ago.

In fact, I've seen two stingrays in the last week, which is just absolutely amazing. So today there are a few things that I want to talk to you about the first thing. I want to talk...

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What Do You Want? Are You Ready to Get Fit and Fabulous in 2022? Podcast Episode 157



Transcription of Podcast

Please note this transcription is generated by software. There may be some errors. I hope you find it useful.


Hello. Hello, welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena Kerek. I hope that you’re all feeling amazing, amazing. I had a moment at the weekend where I just felt, oh my goodness. I feel so amazing. I'm so grateful that I look after myself and have a fit and healthy body.

Dr Orlena’s Grateful for Feeling Fit and Fabulous

I took my kids out for dinner to celebrate moving back to our house and we ended up eating in the square. Which is kind of a normal thing to do in Spain, except that obviously it's December and it was a little bit cold.

And so my daughter and son were feeling a little bit chilly and I said, Hey, why don't you just run around the square to keep yourself warm? And they said, okay, come on then mommy. And so I got up and ran round the square and just thought, wow, do you know what, at the...

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How to Get Fit and Fabulous in 2022 with Coach Cailah Podcast Episode 156



Transcription of How to Get Fit with Coash Cailah Podcast

Please note this transcription is generated by software. There may be some errors. I hope you find it useful. 

Dr Orlena: Hello, Coach Cailah. Thank you so much for being with us here today,

Cailah: Dr. Orlena, I'm glad to be here. Thanks for having me.

Dr Orlena: My absolute pleasure. Now, do you want to just dive right in and tell people a little bit about yourself and what you do?

Cailah: Sure let's jump right in. Well, my name is coach Cailah. I am an online health health and fitness and nutrition strategists.

Cailah: So what my company does is we help people all around the United States, as well as the world to design the body of their dreams via strategy that is specifically created for them.

Dr Orlena: So how did you come to be a health and fitness coach? Tell us a little bit about your story.

Cailah: Sure. Well, when I was a kid, I was a little fat kid.

Cailah: I was always athletic. I was...

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Why Vegetables Help You Live Longer and Lose Weight Podcast Episode 155


How many vegetables do you eat? Today I take a close look at why I love vegetables and how they can help you live longer and lose weight.

Contact Dr Orlena

If you'd like any of the handouts mentioned, or would like to find out more about the Healthy You Healthy Family Program, [email protected]

Transcription of Healthy Vegetables Podcast

Please note this transcription is generated by software. There may be some errors. I hope you find it useful.


Hello, and welcome to fit and fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena Kerek. I hope that you are feeling amazing today. Happy December. I have amazing, exciting news. We have finally finally moved and it is amazing and exciting and stressful all at the same time. If I sound a little bit strange, that is because I am recording in my bedroom because my office is not ready.

My office is still my little Ikea box, but oh my goodness. This moment in time has been something that I have been dreaming of for the last five years. Yes. Five...

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3 Easy Steps to Manage a Weight Loss Plateau Podcast Episode 154


Please note this transcription is generated by software. There may be some errors. I hope you find it useful.

Transcription of 3 Easy Steps to Manage a Weight Loss Plateau Podcast Episode 154

Hello, and welcome to fit and fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena Kerek. I hope that you are feeling fabulous. Hello from rainy, rainy Spain. Oh my goodness. It feels like the sea has landed on my head. It just has not stopped raining for days

3 Easy Steps to Manage a Weight Loss Plateau

Today I want to talk about when you are on a weight loss journey and you reach a plateau.

Now, so many people think that reaching a plateau is time for despondency and despair. And I say, no, it is, well, it can be a time for celebration, but it is definitely a golden learning opportunity. And when we think about the journey that you are on, whether it's a journey to lose weight or a journey to get more healthy, or both, there are going to be times that you will feel tested.

And these are the times...

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How Accepting Your Emotions Help You be Your Healthiest You Podcast Episode 153


Transcript of "How Accepting Your Emotions Help You be Your Healthiest You" Podcast

Please note this transcription is generated by software. There may be some errors. I hope you find it useful.

Hello. Hello and welcome to fit and fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena Kerek. I hope that you are feeling fabulous. Another rainy day here in Spain. What on earth is going on with the weather? Another day that we did not cycle to school. I had to drive the kids to rain because we are not set up to cycle in the rain without getting super wet.

Anyhow, 9 more journeys to go (fingers crossed) until we moved back to our house. And you can tell, I have the excitement of a child and counting down to Christmas. In fact, my children have got countdowns to advent calendar time. Cause they're super excited about advent.

Why are Emotions So Important when it comes to Health?

Today. I want to talk a little bit about emotions and why emotions are so amazingly important and why they are really a big,...

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What is the Cost of Not Making Healthy Changes? Podcast Episode 152


What is the Cost of Inaction? Podcast Transcription

Please note this transcription is generated by software. There may be some errors. I hope you find it useful.

Hello, and welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena Kerek. I hope that you are feeling amazing. It is raining here in Spain, and as you may know, I cycle my kids to school with. Less than three weeks left until we moved back to our house. It's so, so exciting. So we're counting down the cycle rides, but you know what?

When Healthy Habits are Strong, It’s Hard NOT to Do them

We have not been able to cycle for the last five whole days because it has been raining. And as much as I love cycling, I think is a little bit unfair to let my kids arrive at school soaking wet. Now, this has been really, really hard for us. We've actually got to the stage where we're like, oh my goodness, I hate going in the car.

I love cycling. My poor son says I feel carsick. It is only like a five minute journey. So it's...

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Take Dr Orlena's "Why Do I Overeat Quiz?"

 Take the fun quiz to get clarity on why you overeat.

What's really going on for you?