Dr Orlena's Healthy Amazing You Boost Free Event starting Sept 23rd

Day 1 of the 5 Day Change Challenge. Weight Loss and Healthy Eating

Making changes to our lives can be challenging. 95% of our brain's function is subconscious. Our brains like to be efficient and do the same thing over and over again. This is great when it comes to brushing our teeth, but not so great if that habit is "eat cake when I'm stressed."

The good news is that we can re-write our habits so that they serve us!

Day 1 FB LIVE 

Day 1 of the 5 Challenge. The Problem

Sheena writes:

"It’s not so much the weight as the feeling fabulous - or not.

I am going on holiday in 12 weeks. I am fat and I certainly don’t feel fabulous! I’m not obese but my belly is a lot more round than I like.

It’s momentum really. I am pretty sure I’ll lose a decent amount of weight before our holiday but getting started is hard and so is keeping going - especially once the big event is over. There’s a good chance I’ll be chubby again next spring lol"

This is such a great question and brings up lots of points to chat about.


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How to Create Habits that Serve You. And Help You Live a Healthy, Amazing Life. Podcast Episode 15.

We are creatures of habit. We do most of our daily actions out of habit. Without thinking.

This means that habits can help us feel better, get more fit and healthy.

Or they can make us feel worse. Eating out of habit. Not exercising out of habit.

Once we’re “in a habit”, it’s easy to maintain.

But why do we so often think, “I can’t be bothered to create that habit”?

Often it’s because we can’t see the benefit in that small action.

We only look at the “10 minute walk” and think, “how is that going to make a difference?”

A woman relaxing and being one with nature #healthy #healthylife #healthyliving #healthylifetips #healthylivingtips #healthylivingmotivation #lifestyle #healthylifestyle #positivity #selfimprovement

How to Make Habits That Serve You Podcast

The Compound Affect of Habits

Instead of looking at the result of doing the habit once, we have to look at the result of doing the habit over a longer period of time.

What will happen if I do 10 minutes of yoga every day for a year?

Rather than looking at just 10 minutes of yoga.

Next Time You Think You Can’t Be Bothered With a Good Habit


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Why Your Health Is a Powerful Reason to Lose Weight. Podcast Episode 10


Today I want to talk about why you should bother to lose weight. Many people want to lose weight to look good or feel confident. These are powerful motivating reasons. But there is one reason that trumps them all. Your health!

Health and Weight Loss Podcast

I Was Listening to Two Women Talking About Losing Weight

One of the women had struggled with weight loss and was now a healthy weight.

Both women had struggled with “the inner critic” and had learnt to accept their bodies.

The second woman accepted her body and described herself as “fat”. She was content with her body and didn’t feel the desire to lose weight.

A woman doing a yoga pose at sunrise #healthylife #healthylifetips #healthylifeinspiration #healthylifestyle #healthylifemotivation #weightloss #weightlosstips #weightlosstipsforbeginners #lose weight #loseweightmotivation #loseweightforbeginners #healthylivingtips #healthylivingmotivation

Losing Weight Starts With Self Acceptance

Both women started their “weight loss journey” by accepting the bodies. They learnt to love themselves. And to approach weight loss from a place of love rather than criticism.

I 100% agree with this philosophy.

We don’t teach our children by shouting at them. We know that...

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Health Benefits of Exercise. And How to Get Started. Podcast Episode 7


You might be surprise to know that exercise isn’t a great way to lose weight (more about that in a bit.) There are loads of benefits to exercise. Both health benefits and feeling amazing benefits!

The Health Benefits of Exercise Podcast


Shout out to Hilary

Congratulations to Hilary for the “audacious exercise award”….swimming outdoors in the UK in winter….without a wet suit.

You are amazing. And slightly bonkers!

A woman hiking with her dog #healthyliving #healthylivingtips #healthylivingmotivation #healthylifestyle #healthylife #healthytips #exercise #exercisebenefits #exerciseforbeginners #exercisemotivation

Exercise Isn’t a Great Way to Lose Weight

Unless you plan to become a marathon runner! If you’re overweight and want to make changes to lose weight, you’re better off making changes to your diet.

Exercise will HELP you lose weight. It will also help you to feel fit and fabulous.

As the saying goes: You can’t out run a bad diet!

Well Being Benefits of Exercise

  • You feel amazing after doing exercise! (Not to begin with but once your body gets used to it.)
  • Less stress (see Dr Marianne’s...
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How to Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease with Lifestyle with Dr Zarrin Shaikh, Cardiologist. Podcast Episode 5.

The vast majority of heart disease is preventable. In the first part of “how to reduce your risk of heart disease” we looked at nutrition and a heart healthy diet.

Today we’re going to look at lifestyle and how we can prevent heart disease.

Dr Zarrin Shaikh, Consultant Cardiolgist

Thank you so much to Dr Zarrin for coming and chatting to us.

A Heart Healthy Lifestyle Podcast Episode


How to Live a Heart Healthy Lifestyle

  1. Exercise (at least 25 minutes of getting out of breath a day).
  2. Reduce Stress.
  3. Mindfulness and Meditation.
  4. Sleep Well (7-8 hours a night).
  5. Friends an\d Community.

A woman doing yoga by the beach at sunset #healthyliving #healthyeating #healthylifestyle #howtobehealthy #healthylifetips #antiheartdisease #preventheartdisease #reducetheriskofheartdisease #heartdiseasediet #reverseheartdisease #heartdiseaseprevention

Exercise Gives Us More than a Healthy Heart

A sedentary lifestyle is a major risk factor for heart disease. Regular exercise is associated with significantly lower risk of heart disease.

Walking 25 minutes a day can add up to 7 years to your life!

Exercise can also make you happier!

Exercise can lengthen your telomeres and help you live longer.

You need to do enough exercise...

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How to Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease with Diet with Dr Zarrin Shaikh, Cardiologist. Podcast Episode 4

A Lot of Heart Disease is Preventable

Today I want you to grasp this message! The vast majority of heart disease is preventable.

You can significantly reduce your risk of heart disease by eating a healthy diet and making good life style choices.

Dr Zarrin Shaikh, Consultant Cardiologist

Today, Dr Zarrin is talking about what to eat to prevent heart disease.

Next week she’ll tell us about lifestyle choices.

Protect Your Heart Through Diet Podcast Episode 4


World wide heart disease is the leading cause of death.

In the UK around 7 million people are living with heart disease.

Heart disease causes a quarter of all deaths.

This includes all “cardiovascular disease”.

In the UK the death rate is falling due to advances in medical technology. However, more people are getting heart disease due to life style choices.

A bowl of mixed fruits #healthyliving #healthyeating #healthylifestyle #howtobehealthy #healthylifetips #antiheartdisease #preventheartdisease #reducetheriskofheartdisease #heartdiseasediet #reverseheartdisease #heartdiseaseprevention

Patients With Heart Disease Are Getting Younger and Sicker

Dr Zarrin tells a story about a 25 year old who she treated who had had a massive...

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The Health Benefits of the Mediterranean Style Diet. Fit and Fabulous Podcast Episode 1.

 Everything you need to know about the health benefits of the Mediterranean Style Diet (MSD). In today’s episode, I explain why I love the MSD. We look at the research papers that have lead to claims of health benefits. Then we have a think about how you can apply it to your life.


Health Benefits of the Med Style Diet Podcast


p>A mediteranean style meal that helps with weight loss #weightloss #diet #dieting #dietplan #loseweightfast #loseweightfastandeasy #loseweightquick #losebellyfatinaweek #healthyeating #healthyliving #healhthylivestyle #healthylife

Various foods that are included in the Mediterranean Style Diet.

 Why Do I LOVE the Med Style Diet?

  • It’s super easy. Just make “healthy tweaks”.
  • It can be applied to any cuisine.
  • It’s supported by research.

Research show us the Health Benefits of the Med Style Diet

in 2011 the PREDIMED study (funded by the Spanish government) showed lots of benefits to the Mediterranean way of eating.

There was one study with many different papers. (Check out the links below.)

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Why Bother to Eat a Healthy Diet.

There are SO many benefits of eating a healthy diet. There are "personal mind and body" benefits and "health" benefits.

A healthy meal conisisting of lentils, red and green tomatoes, lettuce, onions and tofu stored inside a jar #weightloss #diet #dieting #dietplan #loseweightfast #loseweightfastandeasy #loseweightquick #losebellyfatinaweek #healthyeating #healthyliving #healhthylivestyle #healthylife

Benefits of A Healthy Diet and Life Video

Healthy Eating Reduces Your Risk of Diseases

It is heart breaking that so many people are getting unwell with avoidable diseases. The good news is that you can prevent YOUR risk of many disease by eating a healthy diet and living a healthy lifestyle (exercise and stress.)

There are many, many diseases that we can avoid but the "big nasties" are:

  • Heart Disease
  • Cancer
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Obesity and all the complication of obesity.

In short, you are far more likely to live longer if you eat healthy food!

  A healthy bowl of salad #weightloss #diet #dieting #dietplan #loseweightfast #loseweightfastandeasy #loseweightquick #losebellyfatinaweek #healthyeating #healthyliving #healhthylivestyle #healthylife

You Feel Great When You Eat Healthy Food and Lead a Health Life

Once you start to work on your diet and life style, everything starts to fall into place. Your get thinner, more agile. Those "wobbly bits" disappear. You feel more confident in yourself.

Many people feel happier and more productive as a consequence of...

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Take Dr Orlena's "Why Do I Overeat Quiz?"

 Take the fun quiz to get clarity on why you overeat.

What's really going on for you?