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What is Mindful Eating and How Can It Help Me? Podcast Episode 23 with Catherine Russo Epstein

Introduction to Mindful Eating

Mindfulness is awareness of the present moment without judgement. When we apply mindfulness to eating it helps us to slow down and appreciate our food.

Catherine Russo Epstein explains the benefits of mindful eating and how to get started.

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What is Mindful Eating?

Mindfulness is awareness of the present moment without judgement.

In simple terms, that means being aware of your thoughts, feelings and emotions without judgement.

Mindful eating is bringing mindfulness to our eating.

Eating and food is an emotional experience for all of us (to a bigger or smaller way.)

As you become aware of these emotions and feelings around food, you can change them.

Some Emotional Eating Is Normal

Our society celebrates with food. Parties and eating are a normal part of emotional eating.

Often we eat when we want to avoid an emotion (for that’s boredom!)

A bit of emotional eating is normal. The danger is when emotional eating leads you to over eat.

What are the...

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